Friday, November 1, 2019

Develop an organisational management profile of an organisation in a Essay

Develop an organisational management profile of an organisation in a defined cultural context and critically reflect upon the F - Essay Example While developing the organisational structure, it is quite significant for the managers to address six key components. They are work specialisation, chain of command, centralisation and decentralisation, departmentalisation, span of control and formalisation (Murphy & Willmott, 2010). The organisational culture is mainly concerned with the way in which the employees perceive the nature of the organisation. It represents the common perception held by the members of organisation (Murphy & Willmott, 2010). The main objective of the study is to identify a Japanese organisation and to describe its cultural context in which the organisation tends to function and its management structure. The study will also try to relate management structure with the organisational culture with the assistance of varied theories that are available. After having related both the key aspects, this study will try to identify how well the organisation’s culture and structure aligns with its objectives. T he Japanese organisation that has been chosen for the study is Kyoto International School. It is located at the heart of Kyoto city and therefore offers its students with the first-class international education program. The school makes use of the international curriculum structure that offers the students with an opportunity to develop their intelligence in a way that can assist each student to build confidence towards facing the challenges in the real world (Kyoto International School, n.d.). Senpai/Kohai Relation at Japan Senpai and Kohai are considered as significant components of age-related status relationship in Japan. Senpai is almost similar to the western conception of mentor and Kohai is nearly similar to the notion of â€Å"acolytes†. The young employee in an organisation will be considered as Senpai of the older employee in case the older employee joins the organisation at a later time in comparison to the young employee (Geelong & District, Golden Plains Kyokush in Inc, 2011). It has been observed that in Japanese schools, the senior students who are considered as Senpai tend to have greater power over the students who are young (Kohai). The Japanese society has a vertical structure where the individuals are arranged according to rank order in their social group. The structure in Japan is quite rigid and is universally accepted and applied. The hierarchical Japanese social system is administered via education system. The individuals at Japan are not just evaluated by the length of education but by the name of the schools that they have attended as well (Czinkota & Kotabe, 2000). The Senpai and Kohai relationship also tends to impact the relation in between the teachers and the students. In Japan, the students think that teachers must be respected because of their experience, age as well as ability. They also consider that the teachers are always right. However, in universities the seniors are treated with greater respect but rank and power tend to separate professors and it is observed that there are vertical hierarchies involving seniority rules among the faculties in

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