Thursday, February 27, 2020

Conflict Resolution Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Conflict Resolution - Term Paper Example Two or more parties are involved in a conflict. This world runs on dualities—pair of opposites as it is known from the philosophical point of view. In the parlance of modern management techniques, issues can be resolved by negotiations, across the table. The destructive element, the negative thinking that gives rise to conflicts can be dealt with constructively. The day to day life is full of conflicts. Some of the striking conflicts that have the bearing on the social and economic aspect of the life of individuals are trade union issues, protest of farmers against the forced acquisition of their agricultural lands for construction of shopping centers, nations engaged in disputes related to boundaries etc. The enlightened ones rely on an appropriate mechanism to deal with such conflicts constructively with an open mind, without further aggravating the contentious points involved in the conflict. The popular saying goes, ‘Where there is a will, there is a say.’ A d ynamic approach to solve the conflict averts destructive situations The purpose of this paper is to understand the root cause of the conflicts and how conflict resolution is possible with a constructive approach and arrive at creative solutions, without leaving the trace of bitterness. This paper outlines theoretical and practical approaches of conflict resolution. The specific objective of this paper is to give comment on one current example in the field of conflict management, to draw some practical conceptual conclusions relating to this conflict with particular reference to capacity building initiatives, integration of responses to contemporary conflict, the links between civil society building and conflict management, importance of non-official agencies in conflict resolution, post-conflict reconstruction, sharing of concern by parties that are not directly related to the conflict, and democratization of conflict

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Homosexual Rights Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Homosexual Rights - Essay Example In order to fight for their rights, they need to overcome and cope with all the perceptions and ridicules from members of the society. Taiwan is one of the first Chinese countries to advocate for homosexual rights when they launched they gay parade in 2003. Whilst some people think that Taiwan may tolerate homosexuality, the reality is that many people in different communities feel humiliated by this practice of homosexuality. Homosexuality will take some time to be accepted by all members of the society though lesbians and gays argue that they have the same rights like other heterosexuals. This is the reason why they are advocating for equal rights since they argue that they have a choice to choose a partner they want. Lesbian and gay activists in this country believe that they are just like any other human being and they want their rights to be recognized by all people in their respective societies. They think that their portrayal by some people is blown out of proportion since they live normal lives just like any other human beings. During the past, homosexuality existed in Taiwan but it was not easy identify the gays and lesbians since this practice was ridiculed by the other members of the community. Therefore, homosexuality was a private affair between the two people involved. However, the society in Taiwan has changed dramatically given that the youths who practice homosexuality are openly advocating for their rights after realizing that they are a minority group that has been sidelined as a result of their sexual orientation. This group has little or no protection at all from the government. . The military excludes homosexuals on the basis that these people are regarded as miscreants in society and they do not deserve to be given first class treatment by virtue of their sexual orientation. Moreover, many parents do not support their homosexuality among their children since they regard this