Wednesday, October 30, 2019

E-retailing and logistics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

E-retailing and logistics - Essay Example One has to invest in the progress of a first class virtual catalogue in order to really be successful in e-commerce. Like a mail catalogue, a virtual catalogue presents pictures as well as information regarding the products, as well as offers a way for clients to place orders. Although in place of posting the catalogue to the client, the client moves towards the catalogue by visiting the businesss website. Virtual catalogues have a number of diverse benefits as compared to customary mailed ones. The nature of a website makes it convenient and easy to demonstrate the product in a range of choices and to take account of added product information that there might not be space for in a mail catalogue. In addition, contrasting a mail catalogue, virtual catalogues can be simply transformed to include or eliminate products and to renew product accessibility information (Jelassi & Enders, p. 19, 2008). Business’s website as well as virtual catalogue will just be as successful as the number of traffic or prospective clientele that pay visits to the website. One has to look at the opportunity of publicity on search engines such as Google and Yahoo in order to raise traffic. For the most part, search engines sell space for advertisements that will come into sight next to or around the listing of websites that appear when an internet user types in a word or phrase to search for. During the accurate situations, these advertisements can be a best method to direct individuals who possibly may have a curiosity in the product displayed on the company’s website (Chen, p. 97, 2004). A further method to raise traffic is to publish links to business’s website on other high traffic websites. For either a payment or a mutual linking contract, other companies may be ready to incorporate an advertisement for one’s business on their website. Despite the fact that it is very doubtful that one will influence the competition to chip in in this sort of deal, it is very possible to

Monday, October 28, 2019

Steps in a jury trial Essay Example for Free

Steps in a jury trial Essay A jury trial is a manifestation of democracy, wherein ordinary citizens have their cases heard and deliberated by people like themselves. A jury trial, based on the idea of an impartial jury, can serve justice, because they are mandated to deliberate on the facts of the case alone. This paper analyzes the steps in a jury trial, including the constitutional trial rights that are enacted during a jury trial. The jury trial rights are expressed in the U.S. Constitution in three ways: the grand jury, the criminal jury, and the civil jury. The Fifth Amendment provides the right to a grand jury: â€Å"No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury†¦Ã¢â‚¬  The Sixth Amendment states the importance of an â€Å"impartial† and fair jury to criminal proceedings: â€Å"In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district†¦Ã¢â‚¬  The Seventh Amendment asserts the right of the people to a civil jury: â€Å"In Suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved†¦Ã¢â‚¬  This paper proceeds to the steps in a jury trial. The first step is the selection of a jury. The trial court judge mails a request to a panel of prospective jurors to attend the jury assembly room for the purposes of the jury selection process (Judicial Council of California [JCC], 2010). After the arrival of the jurors, the judge and lawyers ask the jurors questions for the purpose of assessing, whether the jurors are free of bias, or prejudice, or anything that might obstruct with their ability to be fair and impartial, in a process called voir dire. It is important to find a fair and impartial jury, which the Sixth Amendment asserts. The Fifth Amendment also stresses that the accused in a criminal case has a right to a trial by a fair and impartial jury.In essence, the right to jury trial guarantees to the criminally accused a fair trial by a panel of impartial, indifferent jurors.[1] The law permits the judge and the lawyers to â€Å"excuse† some jurors from service for diverse reasons (JCC, 2010).   Ã‚  Ã‚  If a lawyer seeks to have a juror excused, he or she must use a challenge to excuse the juror (JCC, 2010).   Ã‚  There are two kinds of challenges: for cause or peremptory. Under a for cause challenge, the law provides several reasons that jurors may be excused â€Å"for cause† (JCC, 2010). For example, a juror who is related to one of the parties in the case may be excused for cause. There is no limit to the number of for cause challenges. As for a peremptory challenge, this is a challenge given without the need to provide a reason. The law provides only 10 peremptory challenges in criminal cases and 6 in civil cases (Code of Civil Procedure sec. 231 as cited in JCC, 2010). The procedure of questioning and excusing jurors will continue, until 12 persons are chosen as the jurors for the trial (JCC, 2010). The second step is the trial itself. There are three main duties of the juror: 1) Jurors should not speak to others about the case, especially the lawyers and parties from either side, and even with their family and friends. It is important to avoid being influenced by other people who have not heard the whole facts of the case; 2) Jurors should not make a conclusion about the case without hearing all the facts.   Jurors should only discuss their opinions with fellow jurors and it is their duty to deliberate the facts of the case; 3) Jurors should not conduct a personal investigation of the case (JCC, 2010). If they have questions about the evidence, they should ask the bailiff about it, and he/she will make further decisions (JCC, 2010). During the trial, the jurors will listen to the opening statements of the lawyers (JCC, 2010).   Ã‚  The lawyer for the plaintiff in a civil case or the prosecutor in a criminal case may make an opening statement which expresses their viewpoints about the evidence (JCC, 2010).   Ã‚  The defendants lawyer may also provide an opening statement after the plaintiffs attorney (JCC, 2010).   Afterwards, the lawyers will present the evidence, in forms of written documents or objects, which will all be called as Exhibits (JCC, 2010).   After the presentation of the evidence, the lawyers will present their closing arguments (JCC, 2010). A critical part of the jury trial is the deliberation. After a trial, the jury proceeds to an assigned private room to discuss evidence and testimony, so that it can reach a verdict. Jurors also have a duty to select a foreperson. The jury should select a competent foreperson. The forepersons responsibility is to see that discussion is facilitated in an organized manner, all issues are completely and freely deliberated, and all jurors are allowed to freely participate in the discussions (JCC, 2010). The final stage in a jury trial is the verdict. All jurors should discuss and vote on each issue of the case. In a civil case, the judge will inform the jurors how many of them must agree in order to reach a verdict. In a criminal case, the unanimous agreement of all 12 jurors is compulsory (JCC, 2010).[2] People have a right to a jury trial, wherein the jury is impartial and fair. The Constitution provides for this right, as well as the rights of the jurors to have an open and complete deliberation on the facts of the case. The jurors, thus, must be aware of their rights and duties. Being a juror means that they are expected to be people of integrity and to seriously pursue their duties. For in every verdict they provide, lay the fate of fair and truthful convictions. References Dennis v. United States, 339 U.S. 162, 171-172, 94 L.Ed. 734, 742, 70 S. Ct. 519 (1950). Fifth Amendment.(no date). U.S. Constitution. Retrieved May 31, 2010 from Irvin v. Dowd, 366 U.S. 717, 722, 6 L.Ed. 2d 751, 755, 81 S. Ct. 1639 (1961). Judicial Council of California (JCC). (2010). Trial process: Three main steps of a jury trial. Retrieved May 31, 2010 from Seventh Amendment. (no date). U.S. Constitution. Retrieved May 31, 2010 from Sixth Amendment. (no date). U.S. Constitution. Retrieved May 31, 2010 from United States District Court . (no date). The Eastern District of North Carolina, New Bern Division. [1] See Irvin v. Dowd, 366 U.S. 717, 722, 6 L.Ed. 2d 751, 755, 81 S. Ct. 1639 (1961). [2] What happens when there is no verdict? â€Å"If a jury cannot arrive at a verdict within a reasonable time and indicates to the judge that there is no possibility that they can reach a verdict, the judge, in his or her discretion, may dismiss the jury. This situation is a mistrial, sometimes referred to as a hung jury, and may mean the case goes to trial again with a new jury† (JCC, 2010).

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Anthropology - Lucy in Hadar :: Anthropology

Anthropology - Lucy in Hadar In a search to find our ancestors, several anthropologists have found evidence to support their conclusions. In the films about Don Johanson's discovery of Lucy in Hadar, one may be very intrigued by the first film but very disturbed by the second film. I was very intrigued by the findings of the Australopithecines. The idea that Lucy, the skeleton found in Hadar, Africa, was closely related to the human species was amazing. Lucy was bipedal and her brain was smaller than that of modern humans. Lucy resembled an ape and was able to make tools to find food and weapons. Hadar, Africa was believed to be a heavily vegetated area but had evolved into a dry and desolate desert. After Lucy died, it was difficult to find her remains due to erosion and sediment in the body of water in which she died. Johanson and his team worked were able to use the advancement of technology to calculate about how old Lucy's remains were. The second film by Johanson seemed to disturb me because it discussed how some believe that all primates are killers and it portrayed this idea in film and in television. I disagree with the idea that all primates are predators and are always hunting harmless animals and destroying things. I understand that some primates must rely on hunting as a source of survival but I believe the portrayal of primates as barbaric in the film was unnecessary. In the second film, the primates were shown destroying piles of bones and throwing large objects. Johanson's film disturbed me in others parts. For example, when Lucy was killed by a lion and dragged into a tree. It seemed almost as if Lucy's hearing was not keen enough and therefore she was unable to escape the lion. It is a very crucial portion of the circle of life but the idea of Lucy being killed and dragged into a tree to become dinner for a hungry lion bothers me because of the direct link of Lucy to humans. I believe that Lucy is one of the first Australopithecines closely related to the human species for several reasons. Although she had a small brain, Lucy could make tools, use a fire for heat, and use sticks to gather termites for food.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Awakening :: essays research papers

-Compare/contrast Edna's love for Leonce, Robert, and Arobin. Throughout the novel, it became increasingly obvious of Edna's difficulty in the field of true love. She had initially found what she knew wasn't, followed by infatuation, and finally what she was sure was. Several different forms of love were present, yet each (including the final) proved to be unsuccessful.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Edna never felt comfortable in her relationship with Leonce. She had managed to assume the typical role of a female and never stray from her responsibilities that come with that. She had always done what was expected of her from her husband. However, this did not initiate solely with her husbands wants. She had always followed through with doing exactly what she has been expected to do; including finding a husband in someone that she was not in love with. He found more ownership in her, rather than equality in which she was longing for. She was never satisfying in the relationship that she had with him. The love that she had for him was merely present on the surface. It could best be described as a life that she was confined to living rather than the life that she had always yearned for. With the winds of change came a person that she found contrasting to her current life. This man was Alcee Arobin. His role in her life was not true love either. He merely introduced the taste of tangible love to a searching body. This love was not the kind that Edna was longing for either. Arobin's role was to introduce her to the importance of sex. This was something that was foreign between her and her husband. She felt more like an individual when she was enjoying the act of love making, rather than acting on account of someone else's pleasure. This affair was important to her becoming an individual. The entire pre-Robert time was in preparation to finding him. Arobin's importance was evident with Edna's actions immediately following this affair. She decided to close her house up and move to a smaller, less desirable one. The fact that it is less desirable is a key factor. This makes it impossible to assume that she was moving out to live a better material life. She decided that s he would sacrifice her good life and possessions in order to fully acquire individualism. Edna's true love was found in a person that appeared to have the most character.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Developed Countries Have a Responsibility to Give Aid

Developed countries have a responsibility to give aid to developing countries because immigration issues can be reduced by educational and healthcare assistanceEssay Developed countries have a responsibility to give aid to developing countries because immigration issues can be reduced by educational and healthcare assistance Have you ever wondered whether developed countries have a responsibility to assist developing countries or not, and what is the negative impact for developed countries if they do not help other developing countries? People in developing countries suffer from financial, economical, educational and healthcare problems.Consequently, these problems make their life more difficult and reduce standards of living such as lack of education and poor level of healthcare. As a result, those difficulties are leading them to emigrate by legal or illegal methods to other countries especially to developed countries where they can find a better life. For example, Canada is one of the most developed countries which many immigrants and refugees are trying to enter and reside. In addition, it welcomed approximately 12,098 refugees in 2010 (â€Å"Citizenship and immigration Canada media†, 2011).The case of Canada is an example of how refugees can cause a strain on developed countries. To reduce the number of refugees, developed countries must provide educational and healthcare assistance for developing countries which suffer from low standards of living, poor education and low quality health care. Education and healthcare are the most important factors which contribute to the development process for developing countries. Education become a necessity because it helps people to develop their life, society and country by improving their learning and practicing skills (The Center for Global Development, 2006).Low quality of education is a common problem in developing countries (Kremer M. & Holla A. , 2008, P. 2). It refers to fewer numbers of schools, teache rs and textbooks which reduce people's chances to be educated, especially in large population countries (Kremer M. ; Holla A. , 2008, P. 14). Moreover, the weakness of educational policies and evaluations leads to weak educational programs and contexts which result in low students' achievement (Bonuti S. , 2012, P. 5). Healthcare is another essential factor of developing for underdeveloped countries to have a healthy society through limiting different disease as much as possible.Healthcare problems create other difficulties for developing nations. One difficulty is weakness of healthcare system such as referral system leads to have a low quantity of providing health for people (Chudi I. P. , 2010, P. 11). Also, low quality of healthcare may result from poor planning for health programs which need more appropriate policies (Thomas V. , 2009, P. 2). Limitations of health education programs and small number of healthcare centers and specialists are other problems which cause a poor hea lthcare (Thomas V. , 2009, P. 2).Those complications make life more difficult and many of them are trying to immigrate by legal or illegal methods to urban nations which have better facilities. These difficulties can be reduced by developed countries which can provide educational aid to enhance the standards of living for underdeveloped populations. Developed countries can increase the quality of education of underdeveloped nations by increasing the number of schools and inputs, improving teaching methods through training courses and enhancing teachers motivations (Kremer M. amp; Holla A. , 2008, P. 14). In addition, strengthening programs can be done by refining and creating developed educational policies which are needed for higher learning and increasing student's participation and research (Bonuti S. , 2012, P. 8). Moreover, educational process can be enhanced by increasing the number of organizations and foundations such as the Hewlett Foundation, which has many programs and go als to solve global educational problems for developing countries (Hewlett Foundation, 2011).Healthcare services also can be improved through increasing the number of medical centers and specialists and raising awareness about the importance of health for people (Chudi I. P. , 2010, P. 11). Additionally, Chudi suggests that â€Å"developed countries should provide necessary technological and financial assistance to the developing countries, conduct more research on public health problems of developing countries and improve their public health service capacity† (Chudi I. P. , 2010, P. 11). Those methods may raise the quality and quantity of healthcare, resulting in having healthy communities.Therefore, definition of aid should be expanded to include items such as improving policies, and not only concentrate on giving financial aid, such as Official Development Assistance (ODA) to underdeveloped nations. (Schmitz G. , Pistor M. and Furi M. , 2003). These two main issues  œ education and healthcare – if provided, can influence a major problem for both developing and developed countries. These essential issues for developed nations are to avoid and reduce immigration issues which cause serious problems. For example, Vermaat states that† Each year, more than 240,000 illegal African immigrants are entering Europe. (Vermaat E. , 2010, P. 3). This excessive and unexpected number of immigrants causes security, stability and political problems for urban nations such as raising the rate of crimes in the society (Vermaat E. , 2010, P. 13). Additionally, Vermaat shows that† the mass movement of people around the world had brought new levels of organized crime, with drug dealing, gun offenses, prostitution and kidnapping† (Vermaat E. , 2010, P. 21). Furthermore, illegal immigrants and refugees can transfer some cultural traditions such as female genital mutilation and polygamy that cause social problems in civilized cities (Vermaat E. 2 010, P. 21). In addition, some dangerous infectious diseases such as HIV infection can be transmitted by some refugees who immigrate from less healthy areas to developed areas which mean the number of diseases will increase (Vermaat E. , 2010, P. 21). So, those problems oblige developed nations to help other underdeveloped countries to minimize and avoid those risks as much as possible. To conclude, developed nations can decrease the number of immigrants and refugees by giving essential aid such as education and healthcare for underdeveloped nations which suffer from low standards of living.The weakness of education and healthcare programs in developing countries cause many difficulties for people which results in thinking to move out of the country toward urban nations to find a better life. Furthermore, assistance from developed countries should concentrate on improving main policies, programs and methods of education and healthcare not only on providing financial aid. Also, incre asing and creating more national and international organizations and foundations will facilitate the development process for developing countries and reduce the rate of immigration problems.So, developed nations should provide these assistance to avoid and reduce political, security and health problems which result from illegal immigrants and refugees. References Bonuti S. (2012). The Quality of Higher Education in Developing Countries Needs Professional Support. (1 – 10). Retrieved from http://www. intconfhighered. org/FINAL%20Sarah%20Bunoti. pdf Chudi I. P. (2010). Healthcare problems in developing countries. Medical Practice and Reviews. Vol. 1(1), pp. 9-11. Retrieved from http://www. academicjournals. org/mpr Citizenship and Immigration Canada Media. (2011, February 13).Canada welcomes highest number of legal immigrants in 50 years while taking action to maintain the integrity of Canada’s immigration system. Retrieved from http://www. cic. gc. ca/english/department /media/releases/2011/2011-02-13. asp Hewlett Foundation (2011). Quality Education in Developing Countries. Retrieved from http://www. hewlett. org/programs/global-development-program/quality-education-in-developing-countries Kremer M. and Holla A. (2008). Improving Education in the Developing World: What Have We Learned From Randomized Evaluations? World Bank’s Commission on Growth and Development (1 – 49). Retrieved from http://www. conomics. harvard. edu/faculty/kremer/files/Annual_Review_081110%20-%20NO%20TRACK%20CHANGES. pdf Schmitz G. , Pistor M. & Furi M. (2003). Aid to developing countries. Political and Social Affairs Division. Retrieved from http://publications. gc. ca/Collection-R/LoPBdP/CIR/7916-e. htm The Center for Global Development. (2006). Education and the developing world. Independent research and practical ideas for global prosperity. Retrieved from http://www. cgdev. org/files/2844_file_EDUCATON1. pdf Thomas V. (2009). Health care in developing coun tries- Need for finance, education or both? Calicut Medical Journal; 7(1): l. Retrieved from

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Americans Should Not Use Credit Cards Essay Essay Example

Americans Should Not Use Credit Cards Essay Essay Example Americans Should Not Use Credit Cards Essay Essay Americans Should Not Use Credit Cards Essay Essay Americans Should Not Use Credit Cards Com/156 Date: 08/31/2011 Instructor: Dierdre McKee Americans Should Not Use Credit Cards Why Americans should not use credit cards, throughout the United States,  credit cards  have become one of the most popular forms of payment in everyday shopping whether consumers are making a routine trip to the grocery store or  shopping online. There are various motives for not having a credit card and it is frequent for credit card companies to try to lure new or existing clients in by offering a zero percent interest rates and low fees. What they do not tell people is that there might be fees for doing so or that the rate only lasts for ninety days. These come in addition to  annual fees and late fees, which are insanely high. Sure, consumers can avoid them by finding cards without fees and paying on-line so that payment is not lost in the mail, but why go through that trouble? Interest Rates and Fees The one thing to dislike about credit cards is the  interest rates can be high if you do not choose the right one. To use a credit card correctly, one must make purchases he or she is able to pay off upon getting the monthly  bill, but some Americans  do not. Credit cards should be  only use as second-hand funds for emergencies only. A heavy user can be liable to abuse  credit cards. According to the Federal Reserve report, (2010), the total U. S. consumer revolving debt fell to $866 billion at the end of 2009, down from $958 billion at the end of 2008. About ninety-eight percent of that debt was credit card debt. Americans  who  utilize this financial tool are liable to spend more on transactions than those who purchase things with cash. As soon as the bills turn up, some people would pay only the minimum payment on their credit card. Keep in mind, small minimum expenditures just are not sufficient to cover finance charges. According to Mason, (2010), â€Å"Credit cards interest rates are at its highest in nine years. The average rate today is 14. 7% for every cardholder and last year interest rates was 13. 1% this is because of the new credit card regulations. In addition, new credit card rules may harm more than help. All of the credit card rules may force Americans to be more careful, but it is not going to help a struggling society pick up the pace,† (para. 2). Unpaid Balances No matter what the reason is for closing a credit card, it is imperative to make a note that not all credit cards should be closed. As a structure of damage control, some people decide to close a credit card when they have a high balance on it. According to Buttell,(2009) â€Å"This is not excellent because that balance will continue to build up high interest rate charges in the future and must pay off not only the remaining balance transfer but the purchase balance as well as any new balance transfers or purchases the consumer put on his or her card or cards. Before the cardholder can even touch his or her cash advance balance, which has the highest interest rate† (para. payment allocation details). What is an unpaid balance? An unpaid credit card is when a cardholder closes up a credit card account that has a  credit balance, the  credit card issuer credit limit  on that card is reduced to zero, and it comes across as if the cardholder has maxed out the card. According to Morah, (2009) â€Å"very high credit card interest rates are another reason why people close their accounts. If you still have an unpaid balance on a credit card with a high interest rate, closing the card. Beneath the existing state of affairs, it may possibly take customers years to pay off high interest rate balances,† (para. reasons for closing a credit card). What effect does an unpaid balance have on a cardholder? Having a maxed-out card, or even a card that simply appears to be maxed out, will have an unconstructive blow on the person’s credit score. â€Å"If someone has a horrible credit score, applying for a credit card is going to be agonizing. However, rates vary depending on the type of card he or she apply for, with a score below 599 the applicant will most likely be stuck facing an APR of 24% or higher. In fact, First Premier Bank offers a Gold MasterCard with a whopping 59. 9% rate for those people with less than perfect credit† (Ellis, 2011,para. 7). While creditors have no obligation to agree to negotiate the total sum a consumer owes, they have a legal responsibility to provide accurate information to the credit reporting agencies, as well as failure to make monthly payments. â€Å" In some instances, when creditors win a lawsuit, they have the right to garnish wages or put a lien on homes. That can result in a negative entry on credit reports. In certain situations, creditors may ave the right to sue to recover the money owed. Finally, the Internal Revenue Service may consider any amount of forgiven debt to be taxable income,† (Federal Trade Commission,  2011). Conclusion Consumers who are in a tight spot may find themselves needing to use credit cards. Today’s  society is  continuously  struggling to get rid of debt, although while attempting to eli minate debt we sometimes  generate extra debt. The one foremost trouble  we all encounter dealing with credit cards is debt. Anyone should not want to utilize credit cards because they may create a spending routine that is awful. Not having power over these bad habits will consolidate and lead to more debt for the near future. Credit cards allow people to go into debt. This is not the way to build wealth and become financially secure. Yes, the borrower has to pay the debt back within thirty to sixty days, depending on billing cycle, but no one can ever go into debt if relying on using cold, hard cash to buy everything. â€Å"There is no positive side to credit card usage. A person will spend more if they use credit cards. Even by paying all the bills on time, the credit card companies will never lose. However, most families do not pay on time. The average family in today’s society carries the burden of at least eight-thousand dollars in credit card debt according to the American Bankers Association† (Ramsey, 2009). There is no assurance that debt settlement services proposes are legitimate and there is no assurance a creditor will allow fractional payments of a legal debt. In actuality, if a consumer brings to a halt making expenditures on a credit card, late fees, and interest more often than not are added to the debt every month. If the cardholder exceeds his or her credit limit, additional fees and charges also can be added. This can cause the consumer’s original debt to double or maybe even triple and all these fees will put anyone further in the hole. References Ellis, B. (2011, January  28). Credit card rates at record highs near 15%. . Retrieved from http://money. cnn. com/2011/01/28/pf/credit_cards_interest_rates/index. htm Morah, C. (2009, June  20). Should you close your credit card. . Retrieved from investopedia. com/articles/pf/08/close-credit-card. asp#axzz1WfEy2qTU Federal Trade Commission. (2011). Facts for Consumers. Retrieved from ftc. gov/bcp/edu/pubs/consumer/credit/cre19. shtm Ramsey, D. (2009, August  4). The truth about credit card debt []. Retrieved from daveramsey. com/article/the-truth-about-credit-card-debt/ Mason, A. (2010, August  24). New credit card rules may harm more than help []. Retrieved from cbsnews. com/stories/2010/08/23/eveningnews/main6798896. shtml Tomasino, K. (2011, August  14). Credit card APRs unchanged for 3rd straight week . . Retrieved from reditcards. com/credit-card-news/credit-card-interest-rate-report-0817-1276. php Buttell, A. E. (2009, June  Day). Until then, use these strategies to cut down debt Read more: creditcards. com/credit-card-news/law-bans-credit-card-payment-allocation-trickery-1282. php#ixzz1WfoH9fyc Compare credit cards here CreditCards. com. . Retrieved from creditcards. com/credit-card-news/law-bans-credit-card-payment-allocation-trickery-1282. php Federal Reserve . (2011). C onsumer credit. Retrieved from federalreserve. gov/Releases/g19/20100305/

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on Ecology

Ecosystems An ecosystem is the simplest entity that can sustain life. At its most basic, an ecosystem consists of several species and a fluid medium (air, water, or both); it sustains two processes, the cycling of chemical elements and the flow of energy. Ecology: Scientific study of relationships between organisms and their environment The living part of an ecosystem is the ecological community, which is a set of species connected by food webs and trophic levels. A trophic level: Group of organisms with the same relative position within the food chain. (troph = nourishment) Trophic levels 1st Trophic Level referred to as Producers or autotrophs (auto = self). are organisms which make their own food from inorganic chemicals and a source of energy. E.g. green plants blue-green algae and bacteriu 2nd Trophic Level: Consumers = Heterotrophs (hetero = other, different). Primary consumers = herbivores E.g. grasshoppers, cows 3rd Trophic level: Carnivore (secondary) Consumers: lynx, meadowlarks. 4th Trophic level: a. Omnivores: (eat plant and animals) e.g. humans, black bears. b. Tertiary consumers E.g. carnivores which eat carnivores (hawks, bass) c. Decomposers/scavengers: E.g. live off the dead biotic remains and wastes (earthworms, beetles). Dominance: refers to the species that are most abundant or otherwise most important within the community. In the hotsprings certain bacteria survive better at some temperatures than others. Therefore the springs are coloured by the dominant bacteria according to temperature Terrestrial Food Web 1st Trophic: grasses, herbs, trees 2nd Trophic: herbivores that graze upon the grasses (mice, pine borers, deer) 3rd Trophic: Carnivores (spiders, hawks [3 & 4 level] 4th Trophic: Omnivores (black bears, people) Oceanic Food Web more complex than terrestrial food webs 1st Trophic: phytoplankton live on the surface environment of the ocean. Algae. 2nd Trophic: h... Free Essays on Ecology Free Essays on Ecology Ecosystems An ecosystem is the simplest entity that can sustain life. At its most basic, an ecosystem consists of several species and a fluid medium (air, water, or both); it sustains two processes, the cycling of chemical elements and the flow of energy. Ecology: Scientific study of relationships between organisms and their environment The living part of an ecosystem is the ecological community, which is a set of species connected by food webs and trophic levels. A trophic level: Group of organisms with the same relative position within the food chain. (troph = nourishment) Trophic levels 1st Trophic Level referred to as Producers or autotrophs (auto = self). are organisms which make their own food from inorganic chemicals and a source of energy. E.g. green plants blue-green algae and bacteriu 2nd Trophic Level: Consumers = Heterotrophs (hetero = other, different). Primary consumers = herbivores E.g. grasshoppers, cows 3rd Trophic level: Carnivore (secondary) Consumers: lynx, meadowlarks. 4th Trophic level: a. Omnivores: (eat plant and animals) e.g. humans, black bears. b. Tertiary consumers E.g. carnivores which eat carnivores (hawks, bass) c. Decomposers/scavengers: E.g. live off the dead biotic remains and wastes (earthworms, beetles). Dominance: refers to the species that are most abundant or otherwise most important within the community. In the hotsprings certain bacteria survive better at some temperatures than others. Therefore the springs are coloured by the dominant bacteria according to temperature Terrestrial Food Web 1st Trophic: grasses, herbs, trees 2nd Trophic: herbivores that graze upon the grasses (mice, pine borers, deer) 3rd Trophic: Carnivores (spiders, hawks [3 & 4 level] 4th Trophic: Omnivores (black bears, people) Oceanic Food Web more complex than terrestrial food webs 1st Trophic: phytoplankton live on the surface environment of the ocean. Algae. 2nd Trophic: h...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Critical Thinking and Ralph Waldo Emerson Essay Example

Critical Thinking and Ralph Waldo Emerson Essay Example Critical Thinking and Ralph Waldo Emerson Essay Critical Thinking and Ralph Waldo Emerson Essay Essay Topic: Critical Thinking Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us or we find it not. Ralph Waldo Emerson. Some think the quote is saying that you need to appreciate beauty where ever you are. That there is beauty in everything,, if you just stop and look. When first reading the quote I thought the same thing. It was my initial judgment. It was a non emotional response. However, after reading it several times and using critical thinking, I came to the conclusion it was about finding beauty within yourself. I think the author was saying you cannot find beauty if you do not have it inside yourself. True beauty to me is defined as courage, compassion, faith, character and strength. Those are people’s inner treasures. When reading some of Ralph Waldo Emerson’s Biography understand more about where I think the quote was coming from. A lot of his life he faced hardship, such as his father dying when he was 8 and leaving his family to face finical hard times. Still he finished college and went to work as a Unitarian Minister. The love of his life died only a year and half of marriage which caused him to leave his ministry. He scraped enough money together to do a 10 month tour of Europe. He eventually remarried and had 4 children. I think with just those facts on his life show us at one point he did travel the world to try and find the beauty or meaning in life. I also think he realized it was something he had in himself all along. The courage to go to school when your family barely had enough to eat, the compassion and faith to go into the ministry, and the character and strength to love again after you wife has been taken after such little time with her. I think humanities are more than learning to be human or learning how to use critical thinking. I think its learning about yourself. Learning about the inner beauties we all have and learning ways to display them. Whether it is through writing, music, or art. In today’s society where people are only concerned with making it to the top, I think we lose a little of our beauty or self. And like Ralph Waldo Emerson said â€Å"we must carry it with us or we find it not†.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

A Socialists Rant against Capitalism That Likely Cost Him His Life Essay

A Socialists Rant against Capitalism That Likely Cost Him His Life - Essay Example Instead of consistently pleading his innocence in the Haymarket bombing in Chicago, Engel converted his argument into a battle between socialism and capitalism. In order to tear down the United States’ form of government and economy – democracy and capitalism – Engel blamed the hardship and oppression of every workingman on the capitalist machine. Engel used his plea to the State’s Attorney to promote his own ideals, rather than focusing on his alibi to disprove the perpetrators’ false accusations against him. Engel took the stage as the champion of the poor, pleading that prosperous capitalists were the root of their demise who must be crushed by the united â€Å"workingman.† Engel, like socialists Karl Marx and Joseph Stalin, made everything black and white in his appeal for support, portraying the â€Å"freedom fighting† proletariat as good and altruistic, while characterizing the opposition – in this case, the â€Å"tyranny of capitalism† − as wicked, oppressive, conspiring, and slave-inducing. Engel used his address as a vehicle to attack capitalism and promote socialism – more than his own innocence – an ineffective transitory argument that more than likely cost him his life. Not until more than halfway into his address does Engel press his plea to denounce the murder charge against him for conspiracy in the bombing, of which he claimed to have no part. He and his fellow anarchists faced the gallows or years of servitude for their involvement in the massacre (Engel). But, for ideological reasons, Engel made what should have been his primary argument his secondary contention ? that the charges against him were baseless and ill-conceived. This assertion of innocence goes down in history as having merit, but instead of directly attacking those specifically responsible for framing him, Engel contended that â€Å"capitalist rule† was at fault behind all that had gone awry. If Engel would have contained his attack to the particular capitalists involved in the plot, he could have likely met a different fate. In a republic that quickly rose to world prominence by 1886 as a result of its democratic and capitalistic form of government, Engel’s case against it was not only unpopular at the time; it was extremely hard to prove. To denounce the perpetrators of the scheme against him and his fellow socialists, Engel made sweeping generalizations against capitalism, calling it a tyrannical, repressive, and wicked system used to make the rich richer and the poor poorer. Effectively side-stepping the fact that numerous immigrants came from Europe with nothing to become successful entrepreneurs in America, Engel depicted capitalism and democracy as little more than a vehicle and guise for slave labor. Unable to provide success stories of socialism in other nations, Engels unconvincingly promoted the questionable economic and political system as the only utopian ideal worth fighting for. Today, in retrospect, one only needs to revisit the numerous socialist regimes that turned into communist dictatorships ? such as the one started by the Russian Revolution of 1917 ? to understand the true dangers of socialism. With more than 20 million murdered under Stalin’s socialist ideals, Engel’s call to violently depose the capitalists is taken with an even greater grain of salt today – especially with George Orwell’s widely read and colorful depiction in Animal Farm that divulges the corruption of socialism/communism and its

Friday, October 18, 2019

Health Benefits of Belly Dancing Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Health Benefits of Belly Dancing - Article Example Bossonis, â€Å"belly dancing accompanied by music is a very good ingredient at de-stressing/ stress reduction. Moreover, dancing to the music one is passionate about† (2004). In addition, the joy of it is when an individual shares how it helps reduce stress to friends. Due to how many women are busy nowadays, it is important that to treat stress reduction as a necessity other than a luxury. This is because belly dancing helps eliminate the destructive stress and thus it acts as a form of self-care. Once an individual masters the art of belly dancing, the greatest type of mental and emotional health is that it increases one’s self-esteem. A person is able to gain more self-confidence and above all one becomes more agile. On the other hand, the art of belly dancing utilizes movements that generally women are blessed with naturally. More so, as one increases the mastery of all movements of belly dancing, the movements start flowing naturally and they lead to one developin g a more positive attitude towards oneself. Akademi, â€Å"Happiness and joy develop as one attains more and more confidence. The body becomes stronger. It increases mental recovery and emotional breakdown. Belly dancing makes one feel good about their selves which leads to self-acceptance, joy, and happiness†. The positive side effects of belly dancing bring joy in one’s life enough to tackle life stresses and thus an improved mental and emotional health. Every human being spinal column contains numerous bones and ligaments than any other body part. It has thirty-three vertebrae stacked one on top of each other. Every movement of the torso is dependent on the flexibility and function of the spinal cord. Coluccia et al. state that â€Å"during belly dancing, muscles that are attached to the ligaments and vertebrae generate movement to the trunk and pelvic areas which stimulates muscle toning and flexibility†. In addition, the toned muscles help improve the body posture preventing back pain which is mostly the cause of bending.

Management Research paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Management Research paper - Essay Example The aim of this system and policy was to wade off any interests of Western Conquerors. Some of the modern economic practices developed during the reign of Meiji. It is important to remember that during the Meiji period, the Japanese economy was still in shambles, finishing the remnants of feudalism having endured centuries of closure to foreign investors both directly and indirectly. This system was responsible for the slow technological development in the country. This was because the approach emphasized on building domestic imitation and innovations on Western goods. This system worked at the expense of importing products (McMillan, 1996, 71). The spirit of Meiji era captured the entire philosophy thus Japanese spirit, Western technology. Elements of the spirit and the Japanese culture over flowed to the twentieth century where the autonomy of the economy was evident both at micro and at macroeconomic levels. The ambition was to preserve the traditional character. The national econ omy has a long history of putting measures that restrict the process of bringing imports into Japan both directly and indirectly by investors. This has led to concomitant trade excesses in Japan for many years. This culture trickles down to the where large and complex families own and run most companies interdependently centered on their banking industries. The banks include Hitachi, Sumitomo, and Mitsubishi among many more. Economists agree that theoretically, the business organizations manage import components, raw materials, as well as capital from abroad through their affiliated organizations. Analysis The Japanese management techniques or the Japanese management style refers to a group of Japanese cultural ways of working as well as managerial behaviors after the World War II. Most of these management aspects wee responsible for driving the Japanese economy to the status as one of the world economic superpowers. The economy of Japan is the second largest in world second to that of the United States of America. The management techniques are also behind the growth of Japanese business especially the manufacturing sector. This sector is the most competitive in the world when compared to other manufacturing sectors. However, through the nineteen nineties, Japan struggled through economic hardships and recession leading to some experts in economic matters to question the ability of the traditional Japanese management styles to sustain the economy. The Japanese management technique concentrates on the need to for the information to move from bottom of the company or institution to the top. It is the bottom up approach for flow of information. This process leads to the senior management taking over supervisory roles as opposed to the hands-on system of management. The management style originates in the mid-level of the institution or company then moves upwards to the higher level for approval and ratification. The greatest advantage for this system of management is that the teams tasked with the responsibility of implementing a management policy are involved in the process of developing the same. The rise of a Japanese manager in the management ranks in the company of institution makes him or her more responsible, seems unassuming, as well as unambitious. Evaluation of effective leadership in the Japanese mana

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Effective Team and Performance Management Essay - 6

Effective Team and Performance Management - Essay Example The benchmark for turnaround times range between 12 p.m. and 2 p.m. The team leader ensured that each team member was equipped with bottled oxygen and steroids for emergency in case of serious exhaustion. Our team reached the Southeast Ridge Balcony approximately five and half hours after departure. This is one of the most difficult points to climb. Our team gradually ascended along the Balcony from around 8 a.m. to 10 a.m (Kayes, 2004). Did the team project work as expected or not expected? The team project did not work out as planned because not all members reached the summit. Most gave up ascending at Hillary Step due to wastage of time and snarl-ups. One of the expedition leaders breached the agreement regarding the order at which each team would begin for final summit. The team was not armed with radios for communication. One our team member was severely exhausted when we reached the Southeast Balcony. I together with another team pulled the climber with assisted with guide Sher pa. Moreover, our team was caught up in bottleneck. We could not proceed beyond that point because safety ropes had not been fixed. Our team together with other teams joined hands to secure the fixed safety ropes to secure our next mountain climbing session. This marked the onset of series of bottlenecks that were to occur in the course of our climbing. Our sojourn at Hillary Step took roughly an hour. Again, we were caught up in traffic snarl up, since long queue of climbers behind us was waiting for their turn to climb. Ropes had not been fixed as anticipated. We could not communicate to those below us, because we lacked radios. Unnecessary anxiety and confusion among climbers was looming. This point was approximately 28,800 feet beneath peak of Mount Everest. The previous climbers had not secured the ropes to facilitate ascent of those below at reasonable time (Kayes 2004). As a result, some team members arrived at the summit beyond the stipulated deadline at 2 p.m. The bottlenec ks had ripple effects, because it affected the whole operation. Things went astray between 4 p.m. to 5 p.m., because whiteout occurred, which grounded descent to near halt. The turnaround time was set at 12 hours after departure. The bottlenecks caused delays so that 6 hours past the deadline, snowstorm occurred and halted descent. Some team members ran out of oxygen supply. Fatigued ensued. Some team members were conspicuosly absent. The team members who abandoned the summit attempt at snarl up, and few climbers who successfully reached the summit, started arriving at Camp IV between 4.30 p.m. to 6 p.m. What factors contributed to your experience (e.g. personal, social) Mountain climbing at Mount Everest offered opportunity for unique research experience. Authorities restricted public investigations. As a result, empirical data regarding the Mount Everest Disaster of 1996 remains scanty. Also, the chronology of the tragedy was never archived. In order to create sense, the team crea ted chronology of possible events after painstaking review of observations by witnesses and survivors. A recent study (Kayes 2004) highlighted importance of integrated multiple analytic approach to tragedy sense-making. In order to ensure rational chronology of events, each team member conducted individual research, independence of chief investigations outlined in scholarly articles. The chronology was mounted on narratives, which contained

Business Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 4

Business Plan - Essay Example The products will be the same from the farm, but I will be selling them as my own brand name. Proposition In today’s world, organic food has been touted as the best option as either genetically modified food or food grown under green house conditions are not nutritious comparatively. Food from organic farming is gaining prominence from consumers despite the price compared with food from these conventional sources. There are many reasons that support any business with a special focus on environmental sustainability, therefore, the current success in my franchise business. My plan is to build a brand that delivers the same promise to a wider clientele at with a vision to cover the whole country in five years and foreign markets starting from European Union. The market is growing tremendously with consumers who are able to afford, ever increasing. Clients visiting my shops have been more than willing to pay a premium for the vegetables, fruits, and animal products. The reasons wh y they are buying are many including health and safety benefits as they are highly nutritious when delivered when fresh. To the environment, organic farming conserves it by preserving the natural state of soil, no erosion and restoring where they are depleted. Water bodies are conserved as there are no harmful affluent substances from the farms besides not cutting down trees along rivers and trees under agroforestry to create a sustainable environment. The most important reason for growth in sales in organic food is the economies of scale in forming cooperative farming as more farms join the cooperative able to produce en mass. This result in reduced production costs eventually passed on to consumers through reduced prices. The franchise business I have been operating has been able to gain more customers as they place more orders. I have been able to buy a pick up that I have been using to deliver to customer residences regularly from the fee earned from Riverford Farm. There is a g reat opportunity to serve more customers with the right capacity and repackaging vegetables for delivery to a wider market network. The current stalls have been overstretched as they serve only a small clientele limited by the number of stocking of pre-ordered supplies and delivery. There is a great opportunity to expand beyond the current limitations by placing my own orders which I am able to service. In order not to be limited by the supplies from the farm I am planning to contact more farmers who are able to supply from other regions as I cover a wider geographical location as I expand in future. I will design and print my own delivery box and provide a wider variety of choices. Parts of my target clients are hotels which a have unique variety mix in vegetables, fruits and animal products. The box content can be changed to suit specific needs for each target client by having only fruits boxes, vegetables and animal products. Hotels and institutions may not fall in the kind of cl ient characteristic served by the current boxes but rather require each unique product in large quantities. I will be able to supply directly to Yorkshire Farmers Market to business people operating stalls. Marketing mix To succeed in my plan, I need a proper marketing mix that is able to deliver the promise of value to my business and to the target customers. I should be able to attract and retain

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Effective Team and Performance Management Essay - 6

Effective Team and Performance Management - Essay Example The benchmark for turnaround times range between 12 p.m. and 2 p.m. The team leader ensured that each team member was equipped with bottled oxygen and steroids for emergency in case of serious exhaustion. Our team reached the Southeast Ridge Balcony approximately five and half hours after departure. This is one of the most difficult points to climb. Our team gradually ascended along the Balcony from around 8 a.m. to 10 a.m (Kayes, 2004). Did the team project work as expected or not expected? The team project did not work out as planned because not all members reached the summit. Most gave up ascending at Hillary Step due to wastage of time and snarl-ups. One of the expedition leaders breached the agreement regarding the order at which each team would begin for final summit. The team was not armed with radios for communication. One our team member was severely exhausted when we reached the Southeast Balcony. I together with another team pulled the climber with assisted with guide Sher pa. Moreover, our team was caught up in bottleneck. We could not proceed beyond that point because safety ropes had not been fixed. Our team together with other teams joined hands to secure the fixed safety ropes to secure our next mountain climbing session. This marked the onset of series of bottlenecks that were to occur in the course of our climbing. Our sojourn at Hillary Step took roughly an hour. Again, we were caught up in traffic snarl up, since long queue of climbers behind us was waiting for their turn to climb. Ropes had not been fixed as anticipated. We could not communicate to those below us, because we lacked radios. Unnecessary anxiety and confusion among climbers was looming. This point was approximately 28,800 feet beneath peak of Mount Everest. The previous climbers had not secured the ropes to facilitate ascent of those below at reasonable time (Kayes 2004). As a result, some team members arrived at the summit beyond the stipulated deadline at 2 p.m. The bottlenec ks had ripple effects, because it affected the whole operation. Things went astray between 4 p.m. to 5 p.m., because whiteout occurred, which grounded descent to near halt. The turnaround time was set at 12 hours after departure. The bottlenecks caused delays so that 6 hours past the deadline, snowstorm occurred and halted descent. Some team members ran out of oxygen supply. Fatigued ensued. Some team members were conspicuosly absent. The team members who abandoned the summit attempt at snarl up, and few climbers who successfully reached the summit, started arriving at Camp IV between 4.30 p.m. to 6 p.m. What factors contributed to your experience (e.g. personal, social) Mountain climbing at Mount Everest offered opportunity for unique research experience. Authorities restricted public investigations. As a result, empirical data regarding the Mount Everest Disaster of 1996 remains scanty. Also, the chronology of the tragedy was never archived. In order to create sense, the team crea ted chronology of possible events after painstaking review of observations by witnesses and survivors. A recent study (Kayes 2004) highlighted importance of integrated multiple analytic approach to tragedy sense-making. In order to ensure rational chronology of events, each team member conducted individual research, independence of chief investigations outlined in scholarly articles. The chronology was mounted on narratives, which contained

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Partick O'Donnell City Councilman Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Partick O'Donnell City Councilman - Essay Example Chapters 13 and 15 of the book are titled, Counties, Special Districts and Regional Agencies and Issues for the New Century, respectively. This is because; the meeting being announced is scheduled for discussions on present matters that have a strong bearing on California’s future and welfare. Particularly, in pages 90-92 in chapter 13 of the book, Field discusses how regional agencies and corporate entities affect the growth and stability of the ‘golden state.’ In chapter 15 of the book, particularly in pages 102-108, the author divulges on and discusses the challenges that continue to beset Chicago. It is not in doubt that recent events in Chicago at the time would discuss the setbacks that Chicago would be facing at the time. It is also very likely that the prospects that the 7- eleven convenience stores bring towards Chicago’s security, economic development and local employment will be applicable in the meeting (Field, 90-3, 102-8). All these are indica ted in the index page 134. The summary of the article is effective since it amplifies the intent of the article and the meeting that it is intending to communicate. The success of the meeting is premised on the manner in which it communicates the intricacies of the message: the date (May 30th, 2012), the venue (Lawn Bowling Club Recreational Park) and the theme of the meeting (the 7- eleven convenience stores of Anaheim and Ximeno). The May 1st, 2012 article titled Chat with Special Guest: LBPD Specialist Kymberly Cloughesy is also important and successful since it communicates the challenges that Chicago has faced and the solutions that O’Donnell has proposed and continues to ratify. The article O’Donnell Keeps Long Beach Moving is also important since it explains O’Donnell’s rationale that having a flowing traffic is not only an efficient and fair way of using Chicago’s budget. Likewise, by expanding 405 Freeway

Oil Paintings Essay Example for Free

Oil Paintings Essay The oil painting technique traces its roots all the way back to a time between the fifth and ninth century when it was first used in Western Afghanistan, yet it was made famous and the premier means of expression by the Renaissance movement in the 15th century by men like Leonardo Da Vinci and Raphael (Davide 46). The reason the oil painting technique gained this newfound popularity was due in large part to its ability to convey things such as human flesh more accurately while also giving the painter weeks in drying time to work. However, in order for us to properly understand the oil painting technique, we must first understand its composition and ability to create. The paint itself is created using two elements: pigments and oil. The pigments are dry colorants, such as mineral salts and other earth types, ground-up into a fine powder and separated by color. But since the pigments could not adhere to the painting alone, oil was used as a binder to do just that. Typically, linseed oil was used because it can polymerize, and therefore is a drying oil (Mayer, Ralph, and Sheehan 123). However, other oils such as walnut oil, sunflower oil, and tung oil are also used, especially if the artist would want to alter the drying times of the paint or lessen faint colors. A good example of an artist who even used different oils in the same painting was Leonardo Da Vinci, who â€Å"†¦ used a combination of oils while painting Adoration of the Maji, which some speculate was for the benefit of the artist to takeover this unfinished work† (www. henryfordgroup. org). Additionally, there are other elements to the composition of the oil painting that help altar the paint. In order to make alterations and correct elements, artists like to paint multiple layers; this also gives them the luxury of stripping off the paint already applied to the gesso (white glue that covers the medium on which the painting will be applied) without ruining the portions, which they would like to remain permanent. However, for the artist to do this, they need to apply thin layers of paint initially (‘under painting’), meaning they must mix the oil with a solvent such as white spirits or turpentine to dilute the oil. This is especially good for the artist using the â€Å"fat over lean† ethod, where each layer of paint contains more oil than the previous layer. Additional additives would also include varnishes that are usually made from damar gum crystals dissolved in turpentine, thus sealing the work and giving the painting a greater glossiness (Davide 47). The advantages of oil paintings include durability and versatility; oil paintings completed using proper drying time and properly created are very durable. Oil itself is non-polar and hydrophobic, meaning it will repel water, a key element in the deterioration of many pieces of art. Furthermore, oil actually dries through oxidization, in which â€Å"†¦non-polar covalent bonds are governed by the ionic forces between functional groups and the metal ions present in the pigment† (Mayer, Ralph and Sheehan 125). The consequential result is a stable film that’s bit of elasticity helps prevent any bleeding or flow from gravitational pull. In terms of versatility, varnishes allow for one to work on and complete independent elements over a vast time frame, while also the stripping of the varnish allow for the proper cleaning of paintings after many years of display. Moreover, the fine pigments ground into the oil allow for greater optical effect and translucency, which makes things such as human skin appear far more life-like. And with the use of a smooth surface greater lightness is reflected in the oil painting, which the varnish will help accentuate color and depth (Mayer, Ralph and Sheehan 125). This is due to the multiple refractions the varnish helps create, thus creating more perspective in the painting itself. There aren’t many disadvantages when it comes to oil painting, yet there are issues with drying time, aging, and blending. Drying time is an advantage to quite a few artists, yet those who like to use a sequence of washes in quick succession often find the oil painting technique difficult (Davide 48). Also, most curators would tell you that it takes from 60-80 years for an oil painting to finish drying. Aging concerns also are a major disadvantage, especially when artists use linseed oil, which tends to yellow or darken with age. However, this aging can be stifled if the artist has the proper tools. Finally, blending can also be a key concern because the oil tends to blur together causing the painting to become muddy and taking away from istinctive properties. The oil painting technique is typically applied to a canvas that is composed of a linen or cotton cloth and wooden â€Å"stretcher. † The canvas can then be coated with animal glue and primed with a mixture of white paint and chalk. This medium has been very popular since the 16th century; however, other mediums for oil paintings such as panels, linoleum, paper, and slate were also used (Davide 48). The canvas, though, was highly regarded for its lightweight, cheaper, and not prone to warping like a panel. In conclusion, the oil painting technique is still a very popular method used by artists today. However, many artists don’t make their own paint, rather they buy tubes from specialty stores, but still many of them stress the importance of knowing the components of the paint in which they are using. And as a result, those artists are able to showcase their works to the best of their abilities, because their understanding of the materials allows them to make adjustments and highlight key elements, thus putting their knowledge on par with the great painter’s of the Renaissance.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Automotive Industry IT Requirements

Automotive Industry IT Requirements Total Cost of Ownership Objective: The objective of this analysis report is to study and analyse the present IT needs of the company and compare the economic benefits obtained when the company shifts to cloud solution as compared to the traditional On Premise IT configuration setup. The company chosen for this analysis is XYZ from the automotive industry. Company Description: XYZ is a global automobile manufacturing company and is a sub division of the Indian company ABCD. The company is known for its luxurious automobiles, buses, motorcycles and trucks. The headquarters of the company is in Dublin, Ireland. The company first gained its reputation back in 1990 and traces its origin to the founders of the company AB and CD. XYZ was first financed by PQR in the initial days. The first automobile launched by XYZ was regarded as the first CNG powered automobile. The slogan for XYZ is Just the best. Since 1998 XYZ is the top growing brand with the growth rate of 20%. Son of AB joined XYZ in 2001 after completing his MBA from a very reputed university in the UK and has been bringing a unique approach to branding and creativity in design ever since, which in turn has helped XYZ in achieving great heights in the respective industry. A Chinese automobile entrepreneur, DEF who worked with a Chinese automobile company created the trademark for XYZ in 1991 and the first automobile by XYZ was named after him which had a power of 30 hp. The first XYZ brand name luxurious vehicle was produced during 1992 with the merger of AB and CD. Throughout the 1990s XYZ produced a car named XYZ 123 which was supposedly the best luxurious car in those days and was used by the Queen of the UK. XYZ 123 was known for its exquisite design and bullet proof windshield. Other similar models were sold to private buyers only at auctions in the initial days. By 1995, the automotive division of XYZ was in financial difficulties because of the internal conflicts among the board of XYZ. It was during this period a shareholder meeting was held to decide whether to find an alternative to the issues or to go into liquidation. It was then decided to carry on, by trying to get funds from the current economy booming cars and it exploited so successfu lly that it also got the rights to manufacture the German car The FGH. After few modifications to the motorcycle engine XYZ started manufacturing mini cars as well. The success of these mini cars was sufficient to get XYZ back on its feet. Today, XYZ is a leading automobile company which also deals with cars in Formula 1. XYZ produces supercars under the XYZ supercar subdivision and motorcycles under the XYZ moto sub-division. The company has got over 20 showrooms in Europe with over 5000 employees. The purpose of the company is to deliver luxurious engineering to its customers. Thus, they make the customers feel better than they ever thought they can be. Customers are the heart of XYZs business and they have made it a point to provide exceptional customer care. Today, about 40% of the shareholder of XYZ is the Gerrard family of UK while the rest is in public float. By 1996, XYZ acquired the JKL company of Italy. JKL was briefly batched with the brand of XYZ until it was completely absorbed in a years time. The reason XYZ purchased JKL was that it was interested in the development of JKL in the overhead camshaft in automobile applications. The factory thus obtained from JKL was outmoded and XYZs immediate gain was, a s tock of highly qualified engineers and other personnel. JKL continued manufacturing their existing cars for a short period of time with the front and rear axles of XYZ till was closely incorporated into XYZ. In 1994, XZY acquired a large stake in the European based industrial design studio The Classic Designs, which they fully acquired by 1995. Also, by 1997 XYZ acquired the RALF group and owned it for some 3 years and then sold it when it was incurring huge loss in the automotive industry. After serving on the design team of XYZ for 7 years Mr. Lampard announced his departure from XYZ. He was replaced by Mr. Cole. Mr. Cole was known for his radical design contribution such as the XYZ 456 and XYZ 789. In 2001 production rights of the Mourinho Motorcycles was purchased by XYZ for 20 million euros. The company brings great value to their customers in a lot of ways like including promotions throughout the year, expert car care and maintenance advice and 4 points per ‚ ¬100 with their famous ADVANTAGE CARD. The customer can also subscribe to for extra benefits such as more treat for over 40 schemes by XYZ. On Premise IT As the company is evolving as a big brand day by day in the European automotive market, they need to have a proper IT setup too. As of now, the company has an on premise IT setup with its main office in Dublin 1, Ireland. Being an automotive company, there are not much departments in XYZ that need the servers or software. The servers are required only for running SQL databases to store all the company data related to the customers, inventory, employees, sales and purchases. Tape storage system is used for the backup purpose. To have the replicated copies of the data, XYZ makes use of RAID 10. Currently, XYZ is using a 25 Mbps bandwidth connection to connect all the servers and to ease out the networking. It includes hubs, switches and bridges for providing seamless networking. The hardware and the software configurations and other aspects related to the on premise IT setup of XYZ are as mentioned below: On Premise Hardware: Intel ® Xeon ® Processor: The company chose the Intel ® Xeon ® Processor to run and support the business applications and also to reduce the response time of the servers. Dell PowerEdge R910: Dell PowerEdge is a tower server having Intel E 7510 chipset. This chipset is popularly known for its key features like reliability, data protection and to improve the business productivity. It contains 16 GB ram with SATA connected to 8 TB storage. On Premise Software: Microsoft SQL server: XYZ is currently using SQL server for maintaining its database and keeping all the records of the customers, employees, sales and purchase, inventory management etc. Kaspersky Antivirus Operating System: Windows 10 is running on the front-end computers of the company while Ubuntu 16.04.01 server edition is used for servers. Storage: Currently, the company has 8 TB storage for storing its data. For backups, the company makes use of tape storage backup system. IT support Team: Currently XYZ has a small team dedicated to IT support. This team is in charge of configuring, administering and handling the IT systems present in the company. Also, the support team is responsible for managing the centralized server as well as to ensure that the complete data of XYZ is being properly managed and secured. As XYZ is expanding its business gradually, the current IT setup of the company is not enabling them to scale up. To scale up, they must increase their current on premise setup by adding more number of servers and increasing the storage space to incorporate the large amount of data onto the systems. With the increasing number of customers, there is a need for XYZ to have proper databases as well as additional softwares like ERP, CRM, Security Suite, LogMeln etc. Thus, the company is looking forward to opening new offices within Dublin. Also, there is a need for the company to increase the storage from 8 TB to 500 TB for data storage and backup purposes. Hence, the company also wants to eliminate the tape storage system, as it seems to be a costly option. The company thus, needs to take steps towards the IT sector and keep increasing it with the growth of business, so that it becomes easy to manage the daily and continuous needs of the company and the employees as well. Thus, this case study is to provide XYZ with the best economical solution for them to setup their new IT office in Dublin by making sure to cover all their needs and eliminating all the problems the company is currently facing and also, reducing the expenses as much as possible. On Premise Cost Analysis: No. of Servers No. of Cores Processor No. of processor per Server RAM (GB) Power (kW) Unit Cost Units (U) Unit Discount % Total Cost of 16 units 8 16 2 128 4.5 ‚ ¬7227 16 30 ‚ ¬45,530 Total Server Hardware Cost:‚ ¬45,530 Server Hardware maintenance: ‚ ¬34,148 Cost for 5 years(@ 15 %/year) Total Server hardware + maintenance: ‚ ¬79,678 Total Peak Power consumed in kW: ‚ ¬4.5 kW Rack Infrastructure Cost: Assuming 1 rack can accommodate 42 units; XYZ would require 1 rack. Rack Chassis with PDU cost *‚ ¬4000 per rack:‚ ¬3590 PDUs, dual 280V per rack cost *‚ ¬620 each, 2 per rack for higher availability: ‚ ¬1240 Top of Rack Switch (48 port 10/100/1G, 2 per Rack for higher availability, ‚ ¬6000 each): ‚ ¬12000 Development Cost of Rack and Server* ‚ ¬350 per server: ‚ ¬2800 Total Rack Infrastructure Cost: ‚ ¬19630 Total Cost ( Racks + Hardware): ‚ ¬ 99,308 Software Costs for Server: Being an automotive company XYZ uses Microsoft Dynamics GP software as their ERP software, Microsoft Dynamics CRM as their customer relationship management software and Microsoft SQL as their database software solution. Microsoft SQL Server:‚ ¬3717 Microsoft SQL Server Licence, ‚ ¬2000 per core: ‚ ¬16000 for 8 core processors Kaspersky Antivirus: ‚ ¬725 per user = ‚ ¬18,125 per user Total Server Software cost: ‚ ¬37,842 Total Server Hardware Software Installation, maintenance and updating cost: ‚ ¬22,500 TOTAL SERVER COSTS (HARDWARE + SOFTWARE) FOR 5 YEARS: ‚ ¬159,400 On Premise Facilities Cost: Total Power Consumed by Servers:4.5 kW Metered Cost per kWh:‚ ¬0.19 Estimated Power cost/month:‚ ¬589 Total monthly facilities cost:‚ ¬2173 Total facilities cost for 5 years:‚ ¬130,380 Storage Cost: SAN type storage: 500TB XYZ currently is in need of about the raw capacity requirement of 500 TB memory HDD. Also, XYZ currently makes use of RAID 10 with SQL servers for backup. Raw Storage (GB) Remaining Storage after OS recognized (~7%) Usable Storage on RAID 10 configuration (GB) Purchase price per raw GB after 50% discount Final SAN storage price 512000 GB 476,160 GB 238,080 GB ‚ ¬1.94 ‚ ¬991,232 Storage Backup Cost: Amount of Storage to be backed up (GB) Backup Window Time (Hours) Backup Window Processed TBs per drive No. of tape drives required for backup window (*~0.83 tape required for 1 TB) Cost of tape library per drive Backup cost for 5 years (Cost of tape drive * no of required tapes) 512000 GB 8 3.85 262 ‚ ¬1584 ‚ ¬415,008 Number of Racks required to host storage: 1 (Single rack can be used to 1000TB) Operating Rack Monthly Cost: ‚ ¬1320 Total data center space, power, cooling costs for 5 years: ‚ ¬79,200 Hence, total storage costs for 5 years would be:- Total Storage Cost = Raw Capacity cost + Backup Cost + Overhead Cost + Final Cost = ‚ ¬991,232 + ‚ ¬415,008 + ‚ ¬79,200 Total Storage Cost = ‚ ¬2,476,672 Bandwidth Costs: Size of Network Pipe Peak per Average Ratio On Premise Bandwidth Cost per Mbps Bandwidth Cost per month Total Bandwidth cost for 5 years 25 Mbps 3 ‚ ¬9 ‚ ¬75 ‚ ¬4500 Total Bandwidth Cost: ‚ ¬4500 IT Labour Cost: NETWORK ADMIN STORAGE ADMIN 2 ADMIN ON 1 SERVER % total admin effort 10% 80% 400% Monthly Salary ‚ ¬2500 ‚ ¬4000 ‚ ¬5000 5 Year Salary ‚ ¬150,000 ‚ ¬240,000 ‚ ¬1,200,000 Total IT salary cost: ‚ ¬1,590,000

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Imperialism Essay -- Imperialism Colonization History Essays

Imperialism   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Whether for economic, nationalist, or humanitarian reasons, more powerful nations have often interfered with the affairs of weaker nations. These more powerful nations, including the United States, Britain, and several European countries, have in the past exploited less fortunate ones for resources, capital, and knowledge. Yet in return countries located in South America, Africa, and Southeast Asia have gained the technology and capital that, over a period of time and development, improves their quality of life.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  One point of view could be that imperialism results in oppression and abuse. While this is sometimes a temporary side effect of larger nations adopting protectorates, the long term effects often cause the weaker nation to grow stronger. Even when a country feels they must rebel against their suppressor, they gain a sense of nationalism and independence, resulting in a more distinct culture than before. Why then, should a country have to withdraw from such interference?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Another argument could be that only when needed, should a country be involved with another’s affairs. Yet with this point of view most would agree that there would be too much diversity in opinion when deciding exactly when help is needed. Also, countries such as Japan would never have developed, whose primary success was to take the ideas of other nations and better them.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Stronger countries must interfere in the affairs of weaker nations for the gain of both nations. A more powerful nation can better its own economy by sharing the resources of other nations and weaker nations are able to obtain an improved standard of living by learning new technologies that are more advanced than their own. Third world countries can receive food from stronger nations and heathen nations can learn to be civilized from missionaries. Imperialism also follows the laws of social Darwinism, where the â€Å"fitter† and more advanced countries must prosper.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  An excellent example of how imperialism can benefit a weaker nation as well as a stronger, more dominant one is the Treaty of Kanagawa in 1854. This treaty, forced upon the Japanese by the Americans, opened up two Japanese ports to foreign trade as well as meeting other demands of the Americans. Japan’s point of view was that by surrendering to the more powerful Americans they could a... ...nd, resources, and money. Use of this theory has resulted in the creation of Canada, the United States, and many other former European colonies. By exploiting natives, European nations (primarily Britain and France) were able to create colonies that bettered their economy. When these colonies became independent and rebelled, it created an even more powerful and nationalistic country, the United States. This knew country then created a theory using social Darwinism called Manifest Destiny where Americans believed they would soon conquer all of North America. Thus the struggle for survival of the fittest went on. These theories of Darwinism are easily be used to justify the imperialistic views of more powerful nations.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  By learning from the past it is easy to see that nations help each other when imperialism occurs, and even when oppression of some nations does happen, a stronger, more patriotic nation is able to come to power. Through helping themselves, stronger nations are able to create economic conditions beneficial to all nations. Allowing stronger nations to intervene in the matters of weaker nations should be encouraged for the growth of both countries.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie Essays -- Then There Were

And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie And Then There Were None, is an intriguing murder mystery novel that follows the lines of a poem called "Ten Little Indians". The story is intricately written to keep the reader in absolute suspense from the beginning to end. The novel involves eight people being mysteriously invited to spend a summer holiday on "Indian Island". Among the eight are a judge (Justice John Wargrave), doctor (Edward James Armstrong), military general (General John Macarthur), former inspector/current private detective (William Blore), mercenary (Phillip Lombard), young rich athlete (Tony Marston), religious woman (Emily Brent), and a schoolteacher (Vera Claythorne). Additionally, a married couple consisting of a butler (Thomas Rogers) and a maid (Ethel Rogers) are both already present on the island. With the exception of the Rogers', only the host, who is expected to arrive the next day, is absent. As the guests begin talking together, they discover that all of them were invited by a Mr. U.N. Owen. Wargrave surmises that their host's name is fictitious since it so closely resembles the word "unknown." The other guests agree, and tension begins to build. Another mystery is the fact that each of the guests has found a po em titled "Ten Little Indians" in each of their rooms, and mysteriously enough, it appears that there are ten small Indian statuettes arranged at the dinner table. It doesn't take long for each of the guests to realize that the poem and statuettes are representative for each of them. With passing of the first night's dinner, the group hears a mysterious voice condemning each one of them to a specific murder. A phonograph i... ...led, and even made comments to other guests that he was ready to die. In an absolute panic, Vera ends up killing Blore and then, not being able to deal with what is happening, she commits suicide. The last topic of discussion I found was the one pertaining to death. Death occurs continuously throughout the novel. After the guests realize that the other guests are not having mere accidents or killing themselves, they realize they are all going to die. With the exception of Wargrave, all of the island's guests die. Rather, they are all murdered. This was an exceptional novel, masterfully written to propel the reader into feeling the very same fears, doubts and suspicions as the characters. The only thing I didn't like was the fact that Wargrave is never found, nor is there a mention as to why his body is never found.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Mabe: Learning to be a Multinational Essay

Due to the misconception of the size and diversity of Russia, foreign companies tended to enter Moscow and Saint Petersburg first, the two most crowded markets in Russia. These two cities concentrated a large proportion of the population, whose consumption patterns and styles differed from those of the average Russian citizen, Cultural Low trust of outsiders ( Inhibited Communications with foreign managers and undermind organizational innitiatives ) Heavily influence by the history . ( Cultural influence by Soviets and Zharist past: collectivism paternalism administration, fear of responsabillity and reliance of once own neighbors. Oriented in short therm, place little enfasis in competitive strategy and formal strategy planning. Young Russian professionals, with their high aspirations, acquired European style and anti-status quo spirit, collided against the more disciplined and submissive â€Å"older† Russians. In fact,  Russians in their mid-thirties and forties tended to speak only Russian and had mostly been educated under a different mindset. Thus, when younger Russians led an organizational structure, they tended to be more selective when recruiting new talent. That is, they felt more comfortable working among Russians like themselves, not Russians like their parentsIn the process of recruiting and selection, these younger Russians paid more attention to candidates’ family origins even when the candidates themselves were young and had a college degree. According to a common rule of thumb, if the potential hire came from a family of the intellectual elite — i.e., musicians, artists, scientists or academics — they would easily fit with the new generation, but if they came from a family of workers from the Soviet era, the potential of conflict still existed, notwithstanding the age or educational level of the candidate. Rusia low unemployment rate acted to demotivate firmn loyalty ( Compensation did not mean everything.) EconomicRusia have no middle ground proportion of small and middle size enterprises in relation to big enterprises. This proportion is lower in Ruisia than in any other emerging market. Not truly modern Banks ( contries financial systems dominated by one bank) Rusians not invested at home ( loans difficult to acquire) Morgage market non existent ( Only 3% of GDP lowest of any emerging markets) Net foreign direct investment of negative 9.5 billion in 2010. Decreasing population.   Countries wealth represented by is human capital ( deterioration of human capital). Society characterize by high levels of education , but low levels of quality, health and knowledge. (as a result it have serious economic implication) What lessons has Mabel learned for future International expansions? Would another emerging market have been a better Choice than Russia?

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Difference in Perceptions of Consumers in Different Regions

Institute of business management| DIFFERENCES IN PERCEPTION OF CUSTOMERS BELONGING TO DIFFERENT LOCALITIES REGARDING CONSUMPTION OF NUTRITIONAL SUPPLEMENTS, SPECIFIALLY PEDIASURE. | Methods in Business Research| | Muhammad Bilal Arif SaharAnum IqbalAhetezaz HaloFaiz Mehmood| 12/10/2012| | Contents Acknowledgment3 Abstract4 Introduction5 Statement of Problem6 Significance of Problem/ Purpose6 Statement of Hypothesis6 Limitations6 Literature Review7In order to write this literature review we had to take out journals and articles from a lot of areas the reason being that there are almost no similar researches done considering this topic. Even if researches are done they tend to cater to the perceptions of westerners or people which are not belonging to the Pakistani society. In order to conduct and use whatever information we could get there were 3 pieces of materials used to conduct this review. The researches that we have found are concerning similar products that is why we have used these.Each of these researches has been combined with our research and then we have written down the Literature review. If we go along well see what is the motive of our research and what do we want. 7 Design of study10 I. Problem Definition and Hypothesis Formulation10 II. Gathering Data11 III. Sources of Data16 IV. Research Instrument17 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS18 RESTATEMENT OF PROBLEM18 DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURES18 MAJOR FINDINGS19 RECOMMENDATIONS19 BIBLIOGRAPHY21 APPENDIX22 Abbott Nutrition22 Questionnaire22Product Comparison1 Acknowledgment We would first like to thank the Almighty Allah for giving us the strength and endowing us with the privilege of completing term report on the â€Å"DIFFERENCES IN PERCEPTION OF CUSTOMERS BELONGING TO DIFFERENT LOCALITIES REGARDING CONSUMPTION OF NUTRITIONAL SUPPLEMENTS, SPECIFIALLY PEDIASURE. † We are also extremely thankful to our mentor and guide Ms. Kausar Saeed for her constant support, encouragement and guidance, without which we could not have successfully completed the task.Secondly, we would like to thank our respondents for their precious time and energy spent in completing our Questionnaires. Abstract Abbott being a very large pharmaceutical company is not only trustworthy but excels in the pharmaceutical industry. Its aim is to provide quality and high class products in the market so that people can benefit from it. The report that we are planning to write is about the perceptions of customers regarding consumption of Nutritional Supplements and factors that the customer considers while buying different medicines/nutritional products in different localities.Our main aim was to figure out the basic reasons in sluggish growth in sales of Abbott. The issue is actually significant at the moment because the Sales data of different territories over the past few years indicate a negative trend in a few areas but approximately constant in others. One reason for this difference could have been different percept ions that people are likely to hold in these different areas, therefore we decided to find out whether perceptional differences are the reason behind the negative trend and what are the possible solutions to the problem.We did manage to collect sufficient data through questionnaires from the mothers of children who were the eligible consumers of the product, and then we analyzed the data using SPSS. We were able to reach a seemingly valid analysis. Introduction Abbott a global, broad-based health care company devoted to discovering new medicines, new technologies and new ways to manage health. Their products span the continuum of care, from nutritional products and laboratory diagnostics through medical devices and pharmaceutical therapies.Their comprehensive line of products encircles life itself – addressing important health needs from infancy to the golden years. With over 70,000 employees worldwide and a global presence in more than 130 countries, Abbott is committed to i mproving people's lives by providing cost effective health care products and services that consistently meet the needs of customers. Abbott Pakistan is part of the global healthcare corporation of Abbott Laboratories, Chicago, USA. Abbott started operations in Pakistan as a marketing affiliate in 1948; the company has steadily expanded to comprise a work force of over 1500 employees.Currently two manufacturing facilities located at Landhi and Korangi in Karachi continue to use innovative technology to produce top quality pharmaceutical products. Abbott Pakistan has leadership in the field of Pain Management, Anesthesia, Medical Nutrition and Anti-Infective. On June 29, 2005 Abbott Pakistan Achieved Class ‘A' accreditation against the Oliver Wight ABCD Check list. This was an outstanding achievement, which puts Abbott Pakistan amongst some of the best global companies in terms of operational excellence.A continuous process of innovation, research and development at Abbott's wor ldwide facilities enables Abbott Pakistan to offer effective solutions for various healthcare challenges, with products and services that are well focused, within the customer's reach and contribute to improved health care of the people of Pakistan. Abbott believes that Corporate Social Responsibility is fundamental to earning and deepening the trust of the people it serves, an integral part of its commitment to improve lives has contributed to a number of humanitarian causes and supported various institutions in various fields including health and education.The promise of this company is in the promise that their work holds for health and for life. PediaSure Complete is a complete and balanced nutrition for children who are pricky eaters and who have to catch up for growth. Some of its salient feature includes: * Good nutrition leads to healthy growth * To grow properly, kids need to eat the right amounts of protein, carbohydrates, fat, vitamins and minerals. * For times, when you believe that your child is not getting adequate nutrition from regular food then PediaSure is the thing to give.No matter which ever flavor you choose, each can of PediaSure contains 25 essential vitamins and mineral, along with adequate amounts of protein, carbohydrates and fats. With PediaSure you can be sure that your child is receiving the perfect amount of nutrition’s needed to grow. It is available in 400gram tins and 180 gram packs in chocolate and vanilla flavors at reasonable prices. It is available in most leading pharmacies and superstores of Pakistan. PediaSure is even an international product of Abbott. Statement of ProblemThis research is conducted to find out that whether the decline in sales of PediaSure is because of some different perceptions held by the potential consumers, factors which are most and which are least preferred by the consumers while making the purchase. This will cater to two areas specifically Defence and F. B area. Significance of Problem/ Purpose The problem is highly significantfor not only the company but forindividuals/ customers too. With the help of this study we will be able to find out the different type of ideas and perceptions customers carry when going to buy medicines/nutritional products.We will also find out some of the rare spending patterns of customers based in different areas or localities and what factors do they consider in buying such products. The main purpose of this study lies with the fact that Abbott will realize which particular point they need to cater to stop the sales from falling. It could be a marketing problem which they missed to address or a quality problem, which is very unlikely since Abbott is very strict about its standards and most importantly it could be the perceptions of the people.Summing it all up, through our research we will investigate the spending patterns of different localities, their preferences and why the sales of PediaSurehas declined in some areas since the past few years. Statement of Hypothesis 1. There is no difference between Perceptions of customers of Defence and Federal-B area. 2. Knowing the available competitor’s, consumer will prefer Pediasure over competitors as a Nutritional Supplement. 3. Consumers will purchase the product if they are told about the benefits. 4. Creating Awareness will impact the sales of Pediasure. . Whether high nutrients are preferred over other variables like Price and Recommendations. 6. Whether being a Medicinal product is good for the image of Pediasure. Limitations 1. One of the biggest limitations is that our study is restricted to only two areas namely defence and F. B area. It is due to time constraints and a large number of medical stores throughout the city. 2. Defence itself has about approximately 50 medicines stores while F. B area 92. Finding and going to all these stores would be very costly and time-consuming so we decided to take a small no.Of stores and interviewing around 2 respon dents from every store. 3. The time and cost associated with the study was a not very encouraging. 4. We cannot expect that each of the stores in the city have kept PediaSure which made our study very difficult to generalize. 5. It was hard to find mothers having children below the age of 12 shopping during the days. 6. Customers and Storekeepers were being very receptive. Literature Review In order to write this literature review we had to take out journals and articles from a lot of areas the reason being that there are almost no similar researches done considering this topic.Even if researches are done they tend to cater to the perceptions of westerners or people which are not belonging to the Pakistani society. In order to conduct and use whatever information we could get there were 3 pieces of materials used to conduct this review. The researches that we have found are concerning similar products that is why we have used these. Each of these researches has been combined with ou r research and then we have written down the Literature review. If we go along well see what is the motive of our research and what do we want.The first article included in this literature survey talks about the guide to consumer’s pharmaceutical purchasing behavior. The pharmaceutical purchasing behavior of consumers is the subject of unending market research for the nation's pharmaceutical companies and managed care organizations. Despite the industry's best efforts to predict future trends based on past experiences, consumers continue to confound the prognosticators. Several issues particularly pertinent to MCOs were explored in a recent consumer survey conducted by Emron, Inc.In this article, explore consumers' behaviors are explored relative to medication purchases in these areas: * Sources of advice about prescription and non-prescription medications * Communications with prescribers about cost and impact on quality of life * Opinions about price equity of medications * Importance of the pharmacy benefit in health plans * Role of advertising in purchasing decisions for non-prescription medications The study first starts with talking about the advice the customer takes in order to buy any type of pharmaceutical products.The results are divided in among the physicians, nurses, pharmacists, family e. t. c. the highest rank is of course given to physicians followed by pharmacists. So we get to know that one thing that is the sources of advice for customer’s affects customer’s perceptions of buying a medicine. So it may be possible that a doctor living in each of these localities may give different type of preference if one may prescribe pediasure other may prescribe ensure. The second factor that affects is prescriber’s communication about cost and quality of life.From the study we see that people are mainly concerned for their life rather than the cost of medicine, we all know that pediasure is a very high quality product and in order to keep your nutrition value very high you will make sure that you use pedia sure, but never the les this is one of the important factors taken in to consideration when investing in to medicines. Whatever the cost of the product is you tend to spend on it if it’ll increase the quality of your life. Consumers also look for fair consumer prices.When they figure out if one of the products is not giving a fair consumer price then they will surely not buy it even in case of medicines as now even in this market you’re faced with immense competition. If the price of Pediasure is not fair according to some then the customers will move their target towards ensure as these two are the biggest competitors available. According to this study some of the customers were even asked to talk about the main factors which result in going to a pharmacy and buying a medicine.The highest price as usual was given to the price and prescription of the doctors which shows that these two fa ctors are the main ones which affect the benefit and the buying plan of customers. A very high rank was also given to non-prescription medicine buying pattern, that is that many customers by medicine without any prescriptions, they use the help of either billboards or any other means of advertisement. This is somewhat the case with pediasure as well because I have prescribed many people to give pediasure to their children as regular diet and they have actually followed and abided to it.Summing it all up this study basically talks about the buying patterns of individuals while buying nutritional products or medicines. We get a clear view on what factor do the consumers keep in mind when making an effort to go and buy this product. The second research here talks about the consumer’s choice process when purchasing the staple food, it was chosen as for some pediasure is a medicine hence a necessity. After 1989, there were significant changes in food consumption, both in volumes a nd structure.These changes happened due to various factors. The most important factors with influence on demand and food consumption were: development of income levels of Czech inhabitants, development of consumer prices of food and non-food products and services, offer and availability of products on the market, advertising and promotion, health education, joining the EU. Besides these above, an impact on consumption also has such factors as quality development, extent of self-provision with food products, or the degree to which the needs are satisfied.The fundamental influence on consumption has the development of consumer prices of food and capital goods and services in relations to development of incomes, thus buying power. In the last few years, there was a visible tendency to decreasing influence of prices on food consumption. The paper focuses on the development of consumption and changes in consumption patterns, motivation and attitudes. Presented data are based on the marke ting research conducted by the Department of Marketing and Trade, Mendel University in Brno, in fall 2004.However, results of the recent research have proved that, when buying foodstuffs and beverages, consumers are influenced also by habits, current moods, situations, emotions and that the behavior of individual consumer segments is quite different. This could be the case with PediaSure as well. Factors, which influence purchase decision, affect individual groups of consumers in a different way. For a consumer research concerning individual staple food categories, the following demographic characteristics were used: sex, age, affiliation with a social group and domicile.Demographic characteristics, which are easily available, measurable, and helping to localize the target market, were used. Analysis and results of the survey (via questionnaire) about customer behavior then allow predicting the behaviour of customers and to learn what, why, when, where, how and how often they buy. T he survey via questionnaires aiming to analyze the consumer decision process when buying staple foods and beverages was conducted using a sample of 1 750 respondents.The sample was selected in such a way that it should represent the structure of the Czech population according to 4 identification characteristics – age, sex, social group, and size of the settlement where the respondents have their permanent place of residence. The answers provided information about reasons and the decision-making process when buying four staple food categories, meat and meat products, milk, dairy products and eggs, non-alcoholic and alcoholic beverages and bakery and confectionery products.Frequencies of respondents, whose motives for purchases of basic foodstuff were influenced by routine, newcomers, healthy lifestyle or other unidentified factors . As PediaSure is also a dairy product that is the reason why we use this result which says Milk and dairy products illustrate that routine purchase s predominated also when buying milk, butter and eggs. Purchases of cheese and yogurts were influenced by the assortment and by the healthy lifestyle. Frequencies of respondents classified into individual ocial groups did not show any significant differences It follows from these results that changes in consumption patterns of milk and dairy products were influenced by the factors of health protection andhealthy lifestyle. Extended offer of products was another important factor. Financial reasons were mentioned in the last place. We can differentiate in the behavior of retired people; their decision-making process is influenced by financial reasons. The healthy lifestyle is the most important factor in the age group of â€Å"productive age† (25–60 years).The place of residence did not show any significant effect on differences in the behavior of people from towns and villages. It is of interest that that there were differences in factors influencing purchasing decision s of men and women. Men tended to appreciate a wider assortment than women. As a reason for changes in consumption of these products, women mentioned more often the healthy lifestyle, while men appreciated a wider assortment. For Beverages, the reasons for changes in consumption patterns were different than those mentioned for foodstuffs.Financial reasons were as important as the healthy lifestyle and a wider assortment. This could be influenced by the fact that the question concerned all beverages so that this was a very variable category of products and for that reason the answers were too general. For producers, important information represents the fact that consumers are influenced by newcomers, innovations and advertising when buying staples. Consumers, who were strongly interested in their health, purchasedcereal bakery products, fish, poultry, yogurts, cheese and mineral water.When analysing the reasons of changes in consumption patterns, it was demonstrated that the reasons differed in dependence on the affiliation with the individual groups of customers. There were different reasons for individual social groups, individual age categories, and different localities. If we omit these identification groups, the most frequent reason for changes in consumption patterns in all categories of foods was the healthy lifestyle followed by a wider assortment. Financial reasons were mentioned on the last place.The reason for using this study was to show that although not for everyone but for those who consume pediasure is similar to a staple food. The reason being is that you have to include it either in your milk or your beverage. So when we talk about the buying and selling of dairy products overhear we can always link it to PediaSure as it is a dairy product for most. When we look at the buying patterns of consumers we can always similarize it with the buying patterns of pediasure . Starting from the price to marketing to health safety all of these affect the bu ying of pediasure.It might be one of these factors that would have resulted the sales to go down at the end of the study it said that prices didn’t matter most so it may be a possibility that there may be another factor other than price. Reference for literature review: Guide to consumers pharmaceutical purchasing behavior (MARSHA FAHEY , writer and editor, Emron, Ine. , Warren, New Jersey) Consumer choice process when purchasing the staple food (J. STAVKOVA, J. TURCINKOVA Mendel University of Agriculture and Forestry, Brno, Czech Republic) Design of study I. Problem Definition and Hypothesis FormulationThis research is conducted to find out the reasons behind the decrease in sales of Pediasure for the past few years in certain areas, and whether consumers of different localities; specifically Federal-B Area and Defence have different perceptions regarding the product and the following variables: * Brand Image * Usage Pattern * Preference * Satisfaction * Availability * Aware ness Following Hypothesis was tested during the study: 7. There is no difference between Perceptions of customers of Defence and Federal-B area. 8. Knowing the available competitor’s, consumer will prefer Pediasure over competitors as a Nutritional Supplement. . Consumers will purchase the product if they are told about the benefits. 10. Creating Awareness will impact the sales of Pediasure. 11. Whether high nutrients are preferred over other variables like Price and Recommendations. 12. Whether being a Medicinal product is good for the image of Pediasure. Research Design: The study seeks to find the ultimate solution to solve the problem of declining sales of Abbot’s Pediasure find and to seek whether it is feasible for conducting additional promotional activities. Since we were seeking to explore the reasons for declining sales we used Exploratory Research Methods.Sampling Technique: Convenience sampling method based on a non-probability sampling technique was used t o gather data from the respondents. A questionnaire based survey was conducted to validate the findings. The questionnaire-based survey is designed as to measure both quantitative and qualitative variables. Its methodical profile includes multi-perspective, cross-sectional design and broad random samples. The questionnaire tests the following variables: * Brand Identity * Usage Pattern * Preference * Satisfaction * Availability II. Gathering DataWe questioned 50 mothers from different stores in Federal-B Area and 30 from stores in Defence. The main reason for having an unequal sample size for both areas is because number of medical stores in Federal-B Area is a lot more than that in Defence, so we thought it would me fair if we had more respondents from Federal-B area. Our target respondents were mothers of age in between 30-40, but it was not very easy to find them in the medical stores. We questioned as many as we could find and the rest was filled by fathers of around the same ag e group on behalf of their wives.It was our good fortune that the fathers were surprisingly well-informed about the products being used for the infants. 1. Analysis of Results The data was first entered in Microsoft Excel and then one of our group members double-checked and copied it to the SPSS software and then analysis were conducted using SPSS Statistical Software. Pearson Chi-square test was used to analyze the result and hypothesis with assumed significance greater than . 05 were rejected. HYPOTHESIS 1 HO Area of residence affects use of nutritional supplementsHa Area of residence does not affects use of nutritional supplements AREA OF RESPONDENT * CURRENTLY USING SUPPLEMENT Crosstabulation| | | | CURRENTLY USING SUPPLEMENT| Total| | | | YES| NO| | AREA OF RESPONDENT| FB| Count| 49| 1| 50| | | % within AREA OF RESPONDENT| 98. 0%| 2. 0%| 100. 0%| | | % within CURRENTLY USING SUPPLEMENT| 61. 3%| 16. 7%| 58. 1%| | DEFENCE| Count| 31| 5| 36| | | % within AREA OF RESPONDENT| 86. 1% | 13. 9%| 100. 0%| | | % within CURRENTLY USING SUPPLEMENT| 38. 8%| 83. 3%| 41. 9%| Total| Count| 80| 6| 86| | % within AREA OF RESPONDENT| 93. 0%| 7. 0%| 100. 0%| | % within CURRENTLY USING SUPPLEMENT| 100. %| 100. 0%| 100. 0%| Chi-Square Tests| | Value| Df| Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)| Exact Sig. (2-sided)| Exact Sig. (1-sided)| Pearson Chi-Square| 4. 558a| 1| . 033| | | Continuity Correctionb| 2. 911| 1| . 088| | | Likelihood Ratio| 4. 707| 1| . 030| | | Fisher's Exact Test| | | | . 078| . 044| Linear-by-Linear Association| 4. 505| 1| . 034| | | N of Valid Cases| 86| | | | | a. 2 cells (50. 0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 2. 51. | b. Computed only for a 2Ãâ€"2 table| At 5%significance level do not reject H0 Area of residence does affect the use of nutritional supplement HYPOTHESIS 2HO: AREA OF RESIDENCE AFFECTS AWARENESS OF PEDIASURE H1 AREA OF RESIDECE DOES NOT AFFECT AWARENESS ABOUT PEDIASURE ARE YOU AWARE OF ABBOTS CHILD NUTRITION PRODUCT PEDIASUR E? * IF YES THAN HAVE YOU EVER BOUGHT IT? Crosstabulation| | | | IF YES THAN HAVE YOU EVER BOUGHT IT? | Total| | | | YES| NO| | ARE YOU AWARE OF ABBOTS CHILD NUTRITION PRODUCT PEDIASURE? | YES| Count| 19| 14| 33| | | % within ARE YOU AWARE OF ABBOTS CHILD NUTRITION PRODUCT PEDIASURE? | 57. 6%| 42. 4%| 100. 0%| | | % within IF YES THAN HAVE YOU EVER BOUGHT IT? | 100. 0%| 100. 0%| 100. 0%| Total| Count| 19| 14| 33| % within ARE YOU AWARE OF ABBOTS CHILD NUTRITION PRODUCT PEDIASURE? | 57. 6%| 42. 4%| 100. 0%| | % within IF YES THAN HAVE YOU EVER BOUGHT IT? | 100. 0%| 100. 0%| 100. 0%| Chi-Square Tests| | Value| Df| Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)| Exact Sig. (2-sided)| Exact Sig. (1-sided)| Pearson Chi-Square| 1. 075a| 1| . 300| | | Continuity Correctionb| . 632| 1| . 427| | | Likelihood Ratio| 1. 079| 1| . 299| | | Fisher's Exact Test| | | | . 341| . 214| Linear-by-Linear Association| 1. 060| 1| . 303| | | N of Valid Cases| 70| | | | | a. 0 cells (. 0%) have expected count less than 5. The mini mum expected count is 14. 14. b. Computed only for a 2Ãâ€"2 table| At 5% significance level do not reject H0 Area of residence affects awareness of Abbots product Pediasure HYPOTHEIS 3H0 Knowing the available competitor’s, consumer will prefer Pediasure over competitors as a Nutritional Supplement. H1 Knowing the available competitor’s, consumer will not affect consumer preference of Pediasure over competitors as a Nutritional Supplement. Paired Samples Test| | | Paired Differences| | | | | | Mean| Std. Deviation| Std. Error Mean| Pair 1| ARE YOU AWARE OF ABBOTS CHILD NUTRITION PRODUCT PEDIASURE? – IF YES THAN HAVE YOU EVER BOUGHT IT? -. 424| . 502| . 087| Paired Samples Test| | | Paired Differences| | | 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference| | | Lower| Upper| Pair 1| ARE YOU AWARE OF ABBOTS CHILD NUTRITION PRODUCT PEDIASURE? – IF YES THAN HAVE YOU EVER BOUGHT IT? | -. 602| -. 246| | Paired Samples Test| | | | | | | | | t| df| Sig. (2-tailed)| Pair 1 | ARE YOU AWARE OF ABBOTS CHILD NUTRITION PRODUCT PEDIASURE? – IF YES THAN HAVE YOU EVER BOUGHT IT? | -4. 856| 32| . 000| At 5% Significance level reject HO Awareness is not the only reason why consumers will prefer Pediasure over competitor’s product HYPOTHEIS 4HO: High nutrients are preferred over other variables like Price Ha: High nutrients are not preferred over other variables like Price Chi-Square Tests| | Value| Df| Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)| Pearson Chi-Square| 238. 264a| 24| . 000| Likelihood Ratio| 183. 809| 24| . 000| Linear-by-Linear Association| 62. 765| 1| . 000| N of Valid Cases| 93| | | a. 29 cells (82. 9%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is . 32. | AT 5% significance level reject H0 Nutrients are not preferred over variables such as price HYPOTHESIS 5 HO: High nutrients are preferred over other variables like RecommendationHa: High nutrients are not preferred over other variables like recommendation Chi-Square Tests| | Value| D f| Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)| Pearson Chi-Square| 217. 033a| 25| . 000| Likelihood Ratio| 206. 420| 25| . 000| Linear-by-Linear Association| 69. 663| 1| . 000| N of Valid Cases| 115| | | a. 30 cells (83. 3%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is . 24. | At 5% significance level reject H0 High nutrients are not preferred over other variables like recommendation HYPOTHESIS 6 H0: Being a Medicinal product is good for the image of Pediasure.Ha: Being a Medicinal product has no effect on the image of Pediasure. III. Sources of Data * Primary Sources: * Respondents Our main aim was to get fresh information from the parents directly, so we could better figure out the main reasons behind the sluggish growth of sales. There were some instances where the store managers were being receptive and the respondents showed disinterest in providing information. Due to our persistence we managed to get a great deal of good information. We mostly had to read out the questions to th e respondents, while they shopped and marked the answers according to their response.The questionnaires were all filled under supervision of either of the members of the group to avoid the chance of misunderstandings. * Secondary Sources: Secondary data was not as such required in our research it was mostly based on primary data. The literature review only required thorough reading of different articles. This helped us in getting a better idea about different aspects of the research work. We learned how to design the questionnaire in a way that would get the maximum possible information without offending the respondents in any way.It also helped us to figure out how the issue of differences in perception of people living in different type of areas in the same city has been dealt. Some important information regarding Pediasure and its competitors Contents was also gained using some secondary data. It was gathered from the websites of these companies and also from reading the packages of the respective products. This was basically done to compare different variables in different supplements. The comparisons were eventually used to analyze which variable is most important for the consumers. IV. Research InstrumentAs mentioned above, a questionnaire based survey was conducted, the questionnaire was designed collectively by the entire group members, keeping in mind all the dos and don’ts of Questionnaire designs taught by our mentor/teacher. It was also SPSS friendly, so it was really easy for us to statistically analyze it through the software. Before moving ahead with it, we also got it checked to reduce as much chances of errors as possible. It was scripted using simple and familiar language, few questions that were easy to answer and supervision was given throughout. The sampling technique was partially random.The stores in all the areas were shortlisted through systematic random sampling technique. There were a total of 92 stores in F. B area and 56 sto res in Defence, and we randomly selected 25 and 15 stores from the respective areas. Then from each store 2 respondents were surveyed upon. The questionnaire contained 14 questions measuring different variables that are mentioned above. The variables tested through our research are usage pattern, preference to competitors, frequency of purchase, brand identity and purchase intention. Some questions were even included to get a little idea about the demographics of the target population.We faced some trouble during data collection, since the respondents seemed totally disinterested in giving their valuable knowledge to us. The staffs of the stores were also being receptive due to the agitation of the customers. In cases where store managers were not allowing us to interview in the store, we had to wait outside to get our target respondents. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS RESTATEMENT OF PROBLEM The research problem was to identify the reasons behind the decline in sales of Abbot's flagship pr oduct Pediasure. This was done by dividing selected areas in the city, mainly Defense and F.B Area, into class A and class B and finding out the perceptions of the users about the product. DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURES Research Design The study seeks to find the ultimate solution to solve the problem of declining sales of Abbot’s Pediasure and to seek whether it is feasible for conducting additional promotional activities. Since we were seeking to explore the reasons for declining sales we used Exploratory Research Methods. Sampling Technique Convenience sampling method based on a non-probability sampling technique was used to gather data from the respondents. A questionnaire base survey was conducted to validate the findings.The questionnaire-based survey is designed as quantitative and qualitative both. Its methodical profile includes multi-perspective, cross-sectional design and broad random samples. The questionnaire tests the following variables: * Brand Image * Usage Patter n * Preference * Satisfaction * Availability * Awareness Following Hypothesis was tested during the study: 1. Area of residence affects use of nutritional supplements. 2. Area of residence affects awareness of Pediasure. 3. Knowing the available competitor’s, consumer will prefer Pediasure over competitors as a Nutritional Supplement. . High nutrients are preferred over other variables like Price. 5. High nutrients are preferred over other variables like Recommendation. The data was entered in Statistical Software SPSS v. 17 and Pearson Chi-Square Test was used to conclude findings. If the value of assumed significance was greater than . 05, the hypothesis was rejected. MAJOR FINDINGS 1. Area of residence affects use of nutritional supplements We do not reject our hypothesis which means that there is a difference in perceptions of people living in different areas. 2. Area of residence affects awareness of Pediasure.We do not reject our hypothesis showing that again area of re sidence is a factor which contributes to the differences in attributes of people. 3. Knowing the available competitor’s, consumer will prefer Pediasure over competitors as a Nutritional Supplement. We reject our hypothesis because awareness is not the only reason why consumers will prefer Pediasure over competitor’s product. 4. High nutrients are preferred over other variables like Price. We reject our hypothesis with the conclusion that price is the principle variable considered in buying nutritional supplements. 5.High nutrients are preferred over other variables like Recommendation. We reject our hypothesis because considering the nutritional aspect is not a preference over other factors such as recommendation. RECOMMENDATIONS * The image of Pediasure should be improved for the consumers to identify it as a medicinal product. * Increase in the number of flavors of Pediasure would boost the sales. * There is a requirement from the marketing department to be more acti ve and engage in activities such as personal selling. * If there is a possibility then the price of the product should be reduced keeping in mind the costs. If not then the company should emphasize the benefits of the product as in Nutritional value should be highlighted in the campaigns like â€Å"37 vital nutrients† to motivate the customers into buying the product. * Different promotional campaigns according to different mediums should be designed highlighting the strong points of the product. Choosing brand ambassadors with high percentage of popularity among the children is a good idea. BIBLIOGRAPHY Guide to consumers pharmaceutical purchasing behavior (MARSHA FAHEY , writer and editor, Emron, Ine. , Warren, New Jersey) Consumer choice process when purchasing the staple food (J.STAVKOVA, J. TURCINKOVA Mendel University of Agriculture and Forestry, Brno, Czech Republic) http://www. abbott. com. pk/ APPENDIX Abbott Nutrition Questionnaire Name: Age: Profession: Area of res idence: Husband’s profession: Currently using (Any supplement): 1. _________(AGE:___) 2. _________(AGE:___) 3. _________(AGE:___) Questionnaire for Mothers 1. How many children do you have? * 0-2 * 2-4 * More than 4 2. What are the ages of your children? * * 1 ____________ * 2 ____________ * 3 ____________ * 4 __________ * 5 ___________ 6 ___________ 3. Are you satisfied with your child’s (children) growth (height and weight) that are under the age of 10? * Yes * No 4. Does your child (ren) fall sick often? * Yes * No If your answer to any of the above question(s) 3 ; 4 is YES, then proceed to Q5 5. In which school(s) does your child (ren) study that are under the age of 10? 1 ________________ 2 ________________ 3 _______________ 4 ______________ 6. Were you recommended by someone to use the product or you use it on your own * Recommended by someone * Used on the own 7. If recommended, then who recommended you to use the supplement? Doctor * Friends * Neighbors * Rela tives * Other, Please specify: __________________________________________________________ 8. How many times in a day do you give the supplement to your child (ren)? * * Child 1 * Child 2 * Child 3 * Child 4 Once Twice Thrice 9. Are you aware of Abbott’s Child Nutrition Product’ Pediasure’? * Yes * No 10. If YES, then answer the following questions If no then jump to Q#12 : (a) Have you ever bought it? * Yes * No (b) When did you buy it and whose recommendation did you buy it? ____________________________________________ (c) Any why did you discontinue buying it? ___________________________________________________________________ 11. If your answer to Q#10(a) is NO, then what is the reason for not buying it? ————————————————- 12. Have you ever been to a pediatrician or child specialist? * Yes * No 13 If you are told that Pediasure is the Child Specialis t’s first choice for child nutrition and for children who are picky/fussy eaters and it not only enhances growth (Height& Weight) but it also builds immunity. It is also clinically proven to reduce number of sick days and the incidence of infections, would you start using it? * Yes * No 4 If NO, Why? ____________________________________________________________________ 15 Rank the considerations (in order of priority) on a scale of (1-9) 1 being the highest and 10 being the lowest, if you are to make a decision to buy a nutritional supplement? * * Price * Company * Nutritional value * TV Ads * Doctor’s recommendation * Packaging * Someone else’s recommendation, Please specify: * Other, Please specify: _____________________ 16 If I tell you that per month cost of Pediasure is Rs. 2100 (1 serving per day) and the cost of supplement that you are using is ____________, then would you prefer buying Pediasure? Yes * No Product Comparison Product Comparison | Approximat ely Analysis Powder Per 100gm| | Pediasure Comp. | Promise PE| Horlics Junior| Meiji Big| Enervit Junior| Energy PER 100G| 492| 451| 406| 467| 489| Calories Per Serving| 225| 200| 101|   | 185| Per Rs. Calories| 3| 3| 3. 5|   |   | Nutrints|   |   |   |   |   | Protien| 14. 8 gm| 16 gm| 17. 5 gm| 20| 15 gm| Fat| 24. 6 gm| 16 gm| 7. 1 gm| 19| 24 gm| Carbohydrate| 52. 8 gm| 61 gm | 67. 5 gm| 54| 53. 4 gm| FOS| 1. 75 gm| 1. 4 gm| NA|   | 2 gm| Taurine| 35. 4 mg| 21 mg| NA| 33| 30 mg| Carnitine| 8. 4 mg| 7. 7 mg| NA|   | 10 mg| Inositol| 39. 4 mg| 34 mg| NA|   | 40 mg|   |   |   |   |   | Minerals|   |   |   |   |   | Calcium| 483 mg| 563 mg| 800 mg| 700| 490 mg| Phosphorus| 300 mg| 383 mg| NA| 470| 360 mg| Zinc| 4. 9 mg| 5. 4 mg| 4. 5 mg| 4| 3. 2 mg| Copper | 0. 5 mg| 0. 39 mg| 0. 34 mg| 320ug| 0. 37 mg| Selenium| 14. 8 mcg| NA| 20 mcg |   | 14. 8 mcg| Iron| 6. 9 mg| 8. 4 mg| 14 mg| 8| 6. 9 mg| Iodine| 47. 3 mcg| 42 mcg| 90 mcg| 100ug| 62 mcg | Niacin| 8. 42 mg| 3. 1 mg| 6 mg| 6| NA| Magnesium| 98 mg| 50 mg| NA| 70| 47 mg| Sodium| 227 mg| 212 mg| NA| 270| 200 mg| Potassium| 640 mg | 856 mg| NA| 970| 570 mg | Choloride| 493 mg| 495 mg| NA| 630| 360 mg| Manganese| 1. 23 mg| 0. 5 mg| NA| 45ug| 25 mg|Chromium| 15 mcg| NA| NA|   | NA| Molybdenum| 24. 6 mcg| NA| NA|   | NA| Vitamins|   |   |   |   |   | Vitamin A| 1270 IU| 1500 IU| 300 mcg| 1300IU| 400 mcg| Vitamin C| 50 mg| 54 mg| 30 mg| 55MG| 50 mg| Vitamin D| 158 IU| 301 IU| 5 mcg| 300IU| 4 mcg| Vitamin E| 11. 4 IU| 7. 4 IU| 6 mg| 6MG| 8 mg| Vitamin B1| 1. 35 mg| 0. 58 mg| 0. 5 mg | 0. 4MG| 0. 9 mg| Vitamin B2| 1. 03 mg| 0. 7 mg| 1 mg| 1. 6MG| 1. 03 mg| Vitamin B6| 1. 3 mg| 0. 56 mg| 1 mg| 0. 3MG| 8 mg| Vitamin B12| 1. 5 mcg| 1. 1 mcg| 1. 8 mcg | 2UG| 1. 4 mcg| Vitamin K| 18. 8 mcg| 28 mcg| 30 mcg| 25UG| 20 mcg| Nicotinamide| 8. 4 mg| NA| NA|   | 8 mg| Pantothenic Acid| 3. 45 mg| 2. 5 mg| NA| 2MG| 3. 4 mg| Folic Acid| 108 mcg| 31 mcg| 300 mcg| 0. 1MG| 100 mc g| Biotin | 18. 2 mcg| 11 mcg| NA|   | 18 mcg| Choline| 148 mg | 135 mg| NA|   | 80 mg | Additional details about Promise PE Gold | Powder Per 100gm| Protein | Alfa lactulbumin 0. 81 gm| | Fat| Linoleic Acid 4054 mg| DHA 8. 1 mg| AA 12 mg| | Carbohydrates| Lactose 29 gm| Maltodextrine 11 gm| Corn Syrup Solid 11 gm| Sucrose 9. 5 gm| | Vitamin | Beta Carotine 68 mcg| | Nuclotides 12 mg| | Leutin 90 mcg| | Age 2-10 Years| | Dilution| 5 scoops (44 gm) powder in 175 ml water | Scoop Size 8. 8 gm| | Flavor Vanila | | Fat formulation contains Palm Olein Oil|